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Paul was seduced into the market in the late 1970s. His passion for investing led him to change careers in April of 1987 when he joined Merrill Lynch as a financial advisor. Over the next thirteen years, Paul achieved excellent results for himself and his clients at Merrill Lynch, A.G. Edwards, ...more



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Baxter’s Spinoff
9 years ago

The weekend adds two days. Stocks have a three-day settlement.

Buy Monday, June 15th and you won't be holder of record until June 18th.

In this article: BAX, BXLT
A Smart Sell Decision From A Harvard Man
10 years ago

Nintai is a privately held investment partnership.

In this article: FDS
This Is Probably The Second Worst Time In History To Own Stocks
10 years ago

How long how you been bearish and underinvested?

Is Labor Force Participation Dropping Due To A Falling Labor Share?
10 years ago
I say the government numbers are total BS.
It’s Our Money With Ellen Brown – Who Really Owns Your Home?
10 years ago
Ellen, If somebody is borrowing short -term, to pay anything other than emergency bills, they are on the road to bankruptcy whether its from a payday lender or at normal lending rates. Unless a big rise in income is on tap, they will never make a dent in the prinicpal.
It’s Our Money With Ellen Brown – Eminent Domain To The Rescue?
10 years ago
Use of eminent domain to get around the rule of law is one of the worst ideas ever put forward. It represents illegal taking of private property.
Warren, Steve, Or Bill: Qui Es Mas Macho?
11 years ago
Nicely put together, Kris. You... and the article.
In this article: BRK-A, AAPL, MSFT
Chart Of The Day - PPL Corp (PPL)
11 years ago
Buying the new highs list sounds insane. Why be the fool who pays more than anybody else for the same merchandise?
In this article: PPL
5 Solid Large Caps
11 years ago
Utility stocks like SRE and SO look extremely overvalued to me.
In this article: PSA, SO, SRE, VNO, PSX
1 to 10 of 24 comments

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