Everyone has a story to tell. Storytelling should be employed more often, considering that it can make any fact up to 22 times more memorable.
As Jimmy Neil Smith, Director of the International Storytelling Center said “We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.”
Some benefits that you might not realize are psychological and contain healing, communication, self-reflection, concentration, and leaving a legacy to the world.
Maybe you want to tell your story, but don’t have the tools to do so? Fear not: writing takes time!
If you start small by writing 10 minutes a day and committing to this every day or several times a week, you'll make more progress than you realized. If you still feel stuck, Opyrus enables you to tap your power to write and change your life.
Learn more about how to unleash your story and how Opyrus democratizes and socializes writing in the infographic below:
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