Bernard Dozier Blog | Equality Of Consumption Is Not The Ultimate Justice | TalkMarkets
Bernard Dozier was awed by economics as a five year old farm boy. Standing in the yard of a little farmhouse in south Arkansas he watched convoys of dilapidated vehicles carrying impoverished refugees and their belongings from the foreclosures of the Dust Bowl to an uncertain future somewhere ...more

Equality Of Consumption Is Not The Ultimate Justice

Date: Monday, November 18, 2019 5:20 AM EST

Equal distribution and possession of material things is not the ultimate justice despite the human tendency to believe propaganda that's repeated often enough. Here's why.

Reality is not kind to artificially contrived schemes devised to benefit those whose aim is control and power over masses of human beings, and their record of failure is painful testimony.Schemers can be Utopians or despots.They can be honest and sincere or they can be crooks, but Schemer's schemes ultimately fail because they ignore--innocently or on purpose-- Life.'s fundamental truth.

It doesn't matter if the Schemer is Capitalist, or Communist.It doesn't matter if the Schemer is Dictator or President or Social Warrior or Senator.If their scheme is a one-sided one--one that sees and allows no reality other than the sensory one of the Third Dimension--it simply cannot succeed no matter how much money, time, and effort are forced into it.

A comprehensive, objective, and honest appraisal of Reality establishes that there's more to Life than the casual observer sees...more than the Schemer with an agenda accounts for.Reality contains elements of life that a materialistic observer will not appreciate or factor into his or her scheme.

Schemers don't want to call anybody's attention to Reality's fullness.Partial reality--materialism--with it's opposites and limitations, suits their purposes to a T.The opposites and the limitations of the Third Dimension are what they emphasize and exploit, and that's

all they want people to see.In this sense Schemers have a lot in common with magicians whose success depends on getting people to see only what they want them to see.

There is one single, indispensable, and creative element of Reality that enters into everything...and it's the one thing ignored or overlooked by all Schemers.That element is Mind...invisible, intangible, creative Mind.

Mind gives humans every advantage.That's because Mind works in shaping, forming, and manipulating things whether they are visible or invisible, tangible or intangible, material or immaterial. 

Mind, the creative medium, works indiscriminately, playing no favorites while allowing any participant unlimited access through ideas, imagery, imagination, thought, prayer, meditation, introspection, belief, faith, reason, logic, calculation, judgment, understanding, hunches, and intuition.

Mind--and individual Mindedness--is The Equalizer that Schemers want no part of since it doesn't fit in with the Something for nothing scheme they're selling.Every shyster knows that Something for nothing has huge and widespread appeal over Something for Something.  Politicians and Schemers know it's a real vote-getter.  Mind and its exercise is a horror movie to the Social Schemer, because it's Cause and Effect principle

requires that giving come before benefits are received.Receiving before giving is getting the cart before the horse, the Effect before the Cause...which is totally contrived and artificial..

Mind is Equal Opportunity, too.Any human can think any thought.Anyone can dream any dream.Anyone can imagine anything.Anyone can be creative.Mind is there.It's free.

Mind is uncontrolled by politics, geography, climate, religion, government, media, market, science, or any other human or earthly power, institution, or agency.Anyone is free to participate in Mind, to go as deep or as far or as high as he or she chooses. 

Mind is always willing.It never says "No," and never places barriers or limits on how much or how often we use it to make our lives better and more satisfying.

Mind inspires energy, effort, and work.Mind is the inspiration behind every pursuit, every industry.Older readers will remember how GE thrived years ago when it said, "Imagination is our most important product."GE changed after it changed its mind.

Mind activity is prospering activity.Nothing prospers without Mind, without creative ideas.

Good ideas beget good products and good service, which yield a healthy economy, and a healthy society.Humanity represents Mind's primary investment, which sets the pattern for humans to be more than hangers-on, becoming investors, participants, and contributors to Mind's Earth Project.

Contrast that with Statist political schemes that minimize the power and productivity of the human mind, yet promise to reward all "subjects" with an equal slice of the economic pie no matter how little investment is made in creativity, industry, and responsibility.That's a false/fake equality.True equality in society is equality of opportunity, equal mentality, and equality of investment or contribution, not simply equality of benefits.

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Susan Miller 5 years ago Member's comment

Very thought provoking, thanks.