I started trading cheap mining stocks as a Graduate Student in the Neureopsychology Lab of McGill's Allan Memorial Institute before the term "daytrading" was invented. In my spare time, I read everything on investing in the Business School library and I devoured their collection of ...
more I started trading cheap mining stocks as a Graduate Student in the Neureopsychology Lab of McGill's Allan Memorial Institute before the term "daytrading" was invented. In my spare time, I read everything on investing in the Business School library and I devoured their collection of investment-related books and moved to focusing on warrants and trading international E&P companies developing frontier areas. After 25 years as a Professor, I "retired" to do something more exciting:: live off of my investments. During the Tech boom I did a lot of M&A risk arbitrage and option trading. In 2002, I saw an historic opportunity in Petroleum and specialized in Canadian Oil & Gas Trusts. In 2005, I founded the
Trust Intelligence website to provide research and guidance to investors trying to wean them off of relying on sell-side analysts and to teach them to do due diligence from the point of view of an individual investor. While I still watch the oil markets, I am more focused on special situations these days.