Friday's market theme continued into Monday as the asset rotation game continued as money got pulled from the major tech stocks into the energy market. In this video market update we identify the next opportunity in the market. Right now everyone is looking at the Nasdaq and they're not paying attention to this... Watch the video for a trade idea for tomorrow.
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Tech will rise again, however, I think the fall is way overdue. Valuations are stretched and even poor tech stocks that aren't profitable have been rising. A clean sweep helps separate winners from losers. For those in tech long term, it is not much of a big deal.
The issue is there are a lot of people in tech who are not aware or willing to deal with the risk which is often a 50% or more downside when a tech selloff occurs.
Tech will rise again, however, I think the fall is way overdue. Valuations are stretched and even poor tech stocks that aren't profitable have been rising. A clean sweep helps separate winners from losers. For those in tech long term, it is not much of a big deal.
The issue is there are a lot of people in tech who are not aware or willing to deal with the risk which is often a 50% or more downside when a tech selloff occurs.
You've summed it up well, Moon.
Thanks ^^.