Market Briefing For Wednesday, Oct. 18

At Press-time: news is flying fast...I don't have time to retype or edit much that I have written. So please understand references to the 'Summit' in Jordan are cancelled for now, since King Abdullah backed-off. This also ramps-up the risks 'to' the President's efforts, given that Iran/Hezbollah might attack 'sooner' based on their trumped-up story about the Hospital Explosion, valid or not.

Market oscillations never embraced a clear direction on Tuesday. Certainly, the big market story was reiteration of the embargo on selling advanced chips to China, as that pressed stocks like Nvidia (NVDA) particularly. The implied size of all Semiconductor business is bigger than AI and really powers the Cloud, so at this point AMD and Intel are less sensitive to sales of particular chips China's computer industry might want. Certainly, it would impact TSMC as well. AEHR is sort of 'at the margin', given they provide burn-in testing gear, not wafers.

At the moment, the market (which did rebound off the morning sell-off as I'd suggested on the opening bell 'tweet' or Market X-ray as I call it) later moved into equivocation, and on the horns of President Biden's crucial Middle East trip (which does not have negotiated agreements in advance, that anyone has knowledge of, aside speculation regarding Egypt and Jordan). Much on edge, as it's shocking how much of the world is engaged in 'victim blaming' protests, which are overtly aiding and abetting terrorists, under false premises.

I believe POTUS 'may' accomplish something on his trip, but regardless, it buys time for U.S. Forces to complete deploying, should it become necessary to intervene under Constitutional Provisions to protect Americans abroad. The 'cancellation' of a 4-nation Summit in Jordan suggests heightened prospects of war, or a lack of will on the part of Arab countries to aid or accept refugees. I think this is folly on the part of Arab leaders, as the US is not fooling around.

Part of the 'truth' the world doesn't want to hear, is that Hamas & Hezbollah, a bit more so, do not want peace. Oh, some do, but most any desiring harmony, were persecuted or killed 'by' Hamas leadership over many years. This is not easy though, as media narratives heard widely are 'laundered' arguments that basically mask Islamic jihadist aspirations (which are genocidal towards Jews, as well as Christians, and even Hindus, but they often fail to mention all that).

The 'hard truth' is that 'from the river to the sea' advocates are promoting the genocide of Israel, not efforts to live in peace. 'That a majority of people want peace' is a lie, even though it sounds good when reiterated in the media or by naive wishful thinking in demonstrations. It took 9/11 to wake-up the USA from the 'laundering' of what Islamism was all about, and maybe it was Hamas this year that woke Israel from believing Hamas would somehow moderate (they'd planned it for over a year secretly, so there never was a move toward peace).

If there's something worrisome ahead of Biden's arrival, it might be sentiment like this unusual statement from Jordan’s foreign minister, Tuesday, in a TV interview: “For us in Jordan, any attempt to displace Palestinians means war.” That's an inflammatory rebuke from Israel’s neighbor. Jordan has diplomatic and economic relations with Israel since the 1990s, but its population heavily is overwhelmed by millions of Palestinian refugees. They don't want more and especially not the Shia type that characterize Hamas and extreme Islamism. I have one acquaintance in Jordan (an electrical engineer educated in Florida) and he's increasingly frightened, especially as he embraces tolerance & inclusion.

One problem is trying to hold 'terrorists' to a 'Western Standard' of values that they don't share. The Palestinian Authority 'and' Egypt, and even Jordan, fully realize this. I am stunned that naive supporters of 'free Palestine' generally do fail to distinguish between Hamas, Hezbollah and 'relatively' normal people.

Biden will go to the Middle East and sound a little 'out there' with aspirations. I hope he is safe, and cobbles together something constructive between not so much Israel, but also Jordan, Palestine Authority, and importantly's fellow Muslim countries or leaders who are 'most' fearful of radical Islam. So, I remain chagrined that a couple friends reduce Hamas to merely 'oppressed', when they are the oppressors...exemplified by their treatment of Palestinians.


Market X-ray: 

Unless POTUS miraculously makes a 'grand bargain', Israel will go forward against Hamas, there will be reactions. 'If' Iran gets involved, that's when Oil zooms up and S&P might shakeout (even for a final swoon in terms of seasonal moves).

Another hypocrite: Syria's Assad threatening after recently bombing a refugee camp 'in' Syria, populated by Palestinians. Now he protests Israel and talks of 'peace-loving' Palestinians (that he has suppressed for years?). An example.



The basic message to the Muslim world is that the United States is not going to let Israel fight alone 'if' attacked from the North or by Iran proxy or otherwise. I also suspect Biden's trip buys at least 2 more days for the U.S. Navy's 2nd Carrier Battle Group to move closer (and even provide air cover for Air Force One as it flies over the Med toward Israel, then USS Ford cover). USS Eisenhower left Saturday, I'd venture, even at full speed, not yet abeam Gibraltar. I suspect USS Bataan's in the Red Sea, nearing Suez (and/or Eilat).

What's driving this market might seem to be 'Fed policy' or consumer credit and spending... or even the fight over electing a Speaker of the House. Let's be candid: it's fear of expanded war beyond a regional flare-up that's really on-tap... and that makes it harder for Israel to pursue their 'Hamas elimination' goal... once the Western world starts to see more death and carnage when it becomes necessary to flatten Gaza, as some believe is forthcoming as a way to seal the tunnel entrances and trapping Hamas at risk of the hostages.

I'm just a bit skeptical of politicians aspirations (either way), while wishing real success in the next two days to pull-off a miracle resolution. Meanwhile, Iran's state television is running ads soliciting volunteers to join Jihad against Israel, at the same time it's radical militarized wing (Republican Guard) pushes for a preemptive strike (as they call it) against Israel. Here is Iran's call for a wider war (and Israelis and media cannot take solace from this): "The resistance front's (that means Hezbollah) shocks against the Zionist regime (Israel) will continue until this 'cancerous tumor' is eradicated from the world map". That statement is not being reiterated in most media, hence turning a blind-eye.

More By This Author:

Market Briefing For Monday, October 16
Market Briefing For Thursday, October 12
Market Briefing For Wednesday, Oct. 11

This is an excerpt from Gene Inger's Daily Briefing, which typically includes one or two videos as well as more charts and analyses. You can follow Gene on Twitter  more

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