Risk Is Here, What Are You Going To Do?
Yesterday's blistering rally has been met with unforgiving sell-side activity and leads us in the abyss of trading sessions. Don will display why this may continue and more importantly how to position yourself. Levels, stocks, sectors, volatility and more, TheoTrade will cover it all in this evenings video!
Video Length: 00:16:22
Disclosure: None.
Ooh, glad I wasn't around today...inverted yield curve jitters again. Nothing new there. $VIX finally hit the "nervous" level. Same old same old, but August illiquidity kicked in and the downside accelerated.
The big money already went light equities before today. the 3 and 10 has been inverted since May. Suddenly the gold argument makes sense. Hindsight.
Nothing we learned today was new. Algorithmic trading doesn't think. It responds. There is nothing fundamental that would rationalize this move aside from the bond market imploding.
So the market move was inverted to the current temperatures this summer. And it will bask in the headlines tonight and steal the weather's thunder. CNBC will do its "MIT" program tonight because fear buys lot of advertising dollars. This move has been brewing for a long time. The US market just caught the world's flu.
A few disillusioned people will forgo the Starbucks tomorrow and begin a new love affair with McDonald's java. And they'll think about calling their broker.
Can't see the mommasitas telling their kids, no school supplies this year, market just blew thru 25,000.
Don't try to out-think a machine. Don't try to make an intelligent move when you don't have all the facts. We're nowhere near the Dec lows. Where's Trump today? Did he say anything?