Pure-Play Semiconductor Assembly, Test And Packaging Portfolio Up 17% In June; Now Up 20.5% YTD

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An Introduction

There are 6 segments in the semiconductor value chain whose pure-play constituent stock performances are tracked and commented on by munKNEE in its latest hyperlinked articles below. The Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) segment is one of the 6 and the other 5 are fabless semiconductor companies; semiconductor foundries; equipment and materials suppliers;  integrated device manufacturers; and electronic design automation software designers which is analyzed in this article.

What Is A Pure-Play Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test Company? 

A pure-play company is one that concentrate its efforts on one single line of business and the OSAT segment of the semiconductor value chain, aka assembly, test and packaging, is where chips are assembled into finished semiconductor components and tested for defects. This stage of the manufacturing process is the most labor-intensive and is usually performed in countries in Asia where labor costs are lower than elsewhere.

The munKNEE Pure-Play Assembly, Test, and Packaging Companies Portfolio

Of the 10 companies in this segment only 2 trade on American stock exchanges and they are highlighted below as to their stock returns in June and YTD along with their market capitalizations and news, analyses, and commentary on them:

  1. Amkor Technology Inc. (AMKR): UP 22.8% in June; UP 20.3% YTD
  2. ASE Technology Holding Co. (ASX): UP 5.9% in June; UP 21.4% YTD


On average the Portfolio was UP 16.6% in June and is now UP 20.5% YTD

More By This Author:

Pure-Play Fabless Semiconductor Stocks Up 14%, On Average, In June; Now Up 39% YTD
Pure-Play Semiconductor Supplier Stocks Up 10% In June; Now Up 36% YTD
Pure-Play Semiconductor Foundries Portfolio Went Up 14% In June; Now Up 34% YTD

Disclosure: None

This article has been composed with the exclusive application of the human intelligence (HI) of the author. No artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been deployed. ...

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