Nvidia, Take Us Down!

I well recognize that in this effete, molly-coddled, perpetually-easing, perpetually-accommodative, permanent Kindergarten in which the empty-headed citizenry of our once-great nation lumber about, people full well expect stocks like NVDA to not only act like the chart below but to do so in perpetuity.

(Click on image to enlarge)

By way of my beloved Layered Chart feature, I would like to suggest we’ve seen this movie before in NVDA just a few years ago, and with remarkable similarity.

(Click on image to enlarge)

And, if that is true, I humbly offer you my You Are Here arrow. Simply stated, if NVDA falls, the rest of the market is screwed beyond all description. And that, after all, is why I show up here every day.

(Click on image to enlarge)

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Alpha Stockman 1 year ago Member's comment

Bullish on $NVDA.