Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co: Is It Cheap For A Reason?
Photo by Gene Gallin on Unsplash
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. (HPE) was created on November 1 of 2015 resulting from Hewlett Packard splitting into two entities. In contrast to its hardware-focused predecessor, Hewlett Packard Enterprise is focused on the cloud providing information technology and enterprise products, solutions, and services. Since the company was formed it has only been awarded a market multiple of 10 times earnings or less by Mr. Market. Although this is an extremely low valuation relative to other companies with similar fundamental characteristics, I believe it is important consideration that investors need to recognize. Consequently, when ascertaining future value and potential, I believe investors are best served to run those numbers in its normal discounted multiples. However, at the same time, there is the potential for the stock to eventually be awarded a more market-neutral P/E ratio of 15 or greater commensurate with other companies with its fundamental characteristics.
The company does pay an attractive dividend providing a yield of 3.27% and the dividend has been maintained but not increased through Covid. Since this was a subscriber request, I thought it was important to point out some of the issues that might explain why the company has been so inexpensive and continues to be so. Caveat emptor.
Chuck’s Checklist – Hewlett Packard
Video Length: 00:13:47
Disclosure: Long HPE.
Disclaimer: The opinions in this article are for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell the stocks ...