Brexit Briefings
There is no shortage of Brexit articles, but as I compile information for my monthly newsletter later this week, here are some of my favorite links:
1) How to Make Sense of the Brexit Turmoil (FiveThirtyEight)
2) Brexit Meltdown Charts (Ritholtz)
3) House of Commons UK-EU Economic Relations Report (Parliament Research Briefings)
4) What is article 50 and why is it so central to the Brexit debate? (The Guardian)
5) The Difference Between the EU and Euro Zone (Moody’s)
6) Brexit’s First 100 Days (Bloomberg)
7) Brexit Impact on Wimbledon Paychecks (Fox Sports)
8) Relationship Between the U.K., Britain, England, Great Britain, Ireland, Northern Island, Wales, and British Isles (Project Britain)
9) Brexit Voting Results by Age (Ben Riley-Smith – Twitter)
10) Brexit Impact on Global Economy (Wall Street Journal)
11) Brexit is Not the End of the World (Calafia Beach Pundit)
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Yes the Euro Union is not the Eurozone. However, wasn't it understood that the UK would be accepting the Euro, and the Eurozone, had it stayed in the Euro Union? Thanks for the links.
The U.K. has been a reluctant participant in the EU for some time, so I am unaware of any plans of switching from the Pound sterling to the euro currency. Denmark and Sweden are two other EU members, not a part of the eurozone, that are sticking with their home currencies - the Danish krone and the Swedish krona.
Slome, I have poked around some sources regarding the pros and cons of the Brits leaving the Eurozone, and currency hegemony is certainly an issue as I just published here: