This CPI Rug Pull Could Make Us A Fortune Tomorrow Morning

Chart, Trading, Courses, Forex, Analysis

Image Source: Pixabay

CPI tomorrow… are you ready?

Markets made another big move higher today – combine that with tomorrow’s CPI Report and this *Rug Pull* Strategy could be an easy win!

Emini and Nasdaq are WAY over-extended into the biggest news of the week…

I’d love to see a sharp correction off the highs, and I’ll use one of these two *rug pull* entry tactics to get in at the perfect time!

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is bullish with another big move higher, and I’ll be looking for deep pullbacks and bear traps into the volatility we get around CPI tomorrow morning.

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq is bullish with a slow grind higher today, and I’ll be looking to buy seller failures if we get a sharp correction lower after CPI is release tomorrow. 

Video Length: 00:20:46

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