Almost 50% Increase In Americans Renouncing Citizenship Because Of FATCA
There was nearly a 50% jump in the number of Americans rushing to renounce their citizenship. It is more than just not paying taxes, the FATCA rules are so outrageous, Americans have been thrown out of everywhere from Asia to Europe. Plain and simple, FATCA is destroying the American capability to deal internationally. People who even had one parent who was American makes them American and they are unable to have a bank account in their own country even though they never lived in America.
FATCA is the worst law I have ever seen for its impact is wiping out international commerce and I dare say it is a leading cause of the collapse in global liquidity. This law PRESUMES any American doing anything outside the USA must be fraud and is only doing so to hide taxes. Wait til Hillary comes in – OMG! What havoc she will wrought upon the world economy with her anti-business idea that only government creates jobs. This is like PRESUMING everyone in government should just be entitled to the lofty address HONORABLE. That’s why they are exempt from the same laws for they are above the rest of us.
Disclosure: None.
Outrageous tile! What is the original figure of Americans Renouncing Citizenship Because Of FATCA please?
He didn't say 50% of Americans renounces citizenship, just that there was a 50% increase among those who do. Not so far fetched.
I'd like to know this as well
Why this odd assertion that everyone is anti-business, if they demand that the rich pay their fair share of taxes, respect the environment, pay their employees a fair day's wages. Is there a different set of moral values for the business elite, as against us the ordinary citizens. The outrageous statements which emanate from Americans. I opine that America needs more homes for the mentally impaired than jails for the Criminals.Weird country
It's part of our charm! :-) Besides, we're far from the strangest country out there!
Once upon a time, the USA was a place to be admired, and highly desirable place to live - alas no more.
How many of you actually live in the USA? It's it STILL very much a great place to live; no the best place to live! Sure there is some moral decay here compared to like the 50's, but that's life and the influence of the TV and internet, is it not the same everywhere?
Holdfast. Wholly agreed with FRA. USA w a s a desirable place to live. Americans were the kindest folk as experienced in 1958, but..... even at that time their morals were gone. Shacking up, pre-marital sex, homosexuality, were clearly seen, but not yet openly talked about. Folk still went to church and regarded themselves religious. When in Europe an illigitemate child was born in '58 it was rare! In '58 in USA is was (not yet common) but not looked at as a great evil. Hence moral standards were already on the decline, bringing down the USA ultimately so that you find FOREIGN people in charge of your country, because as a nation you chucked out the laws of God (Ten Commandments) as well as Ntural law. May God bless America and save it. Holdfast.
Oh John Bull, your words are is a every country in the World, as well as Illegitimate children, people go to church or how ever they worship, people who are Christian, would prefer to keep the church and state separate, times change and laws change to protect the rights of all....look it up. The world is in decline, not just in the States!! You are so negative, I'm sure America is just as glad your not living there as you seem to be. I would say the majority of the worlds population has high moral standards, hence more good then bad people, perhaps you can do your part and try saying something good about America instead of tearing it down with one sided opinions. Opinions are like armpits, we all have them, but they all stink.......have a blessed day xo In Europe when children were born out of wedlock, they were bustled away and either put in orphanages (very quietly) or left to up on history!!! Mothers were put in workhouses!! Deplorable conditions, like slaves....Not one country is absolved from any of your issues...they just dealt with them differently...
What's wrong with Homosexuality?
I am amazed that Americans select the kinds of people they are to run their country. Absolutely amazed. America is not America anymore, and America's demise will affect the whole free world. I see you are allowing you president to incite a war with Russia by waging a financial jihad on them, when they have done nothing wrong. America has done more wrong that Russia. Right now America is helping the islamic jihad psychopaths take overthrow a foreign government, so that we can have more Afghanistans, like Libya and Kosovo, the crime capital of europe. Don't know what is going on with you guys, but it is really something bad, bad, bad.
Russia is now run like the mob. Saying they are the aggrieved party here is kind of ridiculous.
Done nothing wrong? Russia invaded an independent country! American needs to defend its allies.
Nobody is trying to incite war with Russia. America AND Europe are trying to control Putin and get him to get the fck back to his OWN country and stop trying to take over Ukraine!
So far he has invaded the country and has issued surface to air missile launchers to those who he feels are fighting for HIS cause and this resulted in the loss of all passengers and crew of a commercial aircraft!
Ukraine was a part of the USSR but there was a falling-out and they decided to do their own thing. AFAIK the Ukraine still owes Russia zillions in unpaid gas bills but a big problem is that Russian gas destined for Western Europe is piped across the Ukraine hence can be siphoned-off. Until new pipelines are constructed which avoid the Ukraine the problem will persist. There is also the Chernobyl problem. The jetliner problem was unfortunate but note that the higher class airlines were making long detours to avoid the war-zone. Incidentally a similar incident occurred near the Straits of Hormuz some years ago so it looks like a case of the kettle calling the pot black. Personally I think that the west needs to desist from annoying Russia as these days the big problems are terrorism and piracy. The part of the Ukraine that was annexed allegedly has a Russian speaking population, 95% of whom regarded themselves as Russian. Note also that Kiev introduced a new law that banned the speaking of Russian! It takes two to tango.
Anyone who is impressed by the Hilarious Clittoris is an icepick short of a Trotsky. All she offers is Food Coupon Serfdom. Wake up USA and smell the ersatz coffee.