No Better Time Than Right Now, Today - Invest In The United States Of America
This is my first TalkMarkets' article for awhile. Everyone knows that I have been pushing my theory of globanomics, but I thought things had slowed down along those lines. Since there was no reason to get anxious about the inevitability of globanomics - I took a little time away from TalkMarkets.
The events of January 6, 2021, however, changed things. And they changed things a very, very big way. On January 6, 2021, the United States learned a great lesson regarding this democracy's "Original Sin" - slavery and racism. That original sin has caused problems throughout the history of the great nation of the United States of America. The events that took place on January 6, 2021, finally burst the cyst of our "racism, white supremacy" wide open - and now all we need to do is get Dr. Pimple Popper to come and take the sac of that cyst out.
Image Source: Pexels
Easier said than done, Jim.
Poppycock. Most Americans are not truly racist and those that are can learn to become non-racists. It's really not that hard when you think about it. After all, aren't all of god's children pretty much the same, not only just here in the United States, but throughout the entire globe.
January 6, 2021, will stand as the date the United States stood back up taller than ever before in the history of a very great nation with a long and distinguished history of love, support, and preserving freedom for every individual. Yes, we were far from being perfect, that is clear. But because of January 6, 2021, we now have an opportunity better than any time before to fix many of our mistakes - and we are going to. How can we not get better than we were before the day of January 6, 2021?
Nothing can stop us, but ourselves, and on January 6, 2021, we saw what fighting against each other had become and how absolutely foul the stench of our anger had become. But now, we are all puked out, and we are starting to see a new light of day after our hangover.
Yes, this means impeachment and jail time for Trump. Justice is necessary. We are a nation of laws where every man is promised equal justice under the law, which is something else that has not always been followed. We would propose the same thing, justice and prison, for a Prime Minister of England who roused a crowd to attack the Parliament in order to stop the will of the people. We are talking lifetime jail time here, too, and not at just some country club prison. Sedition is sedition. It can never be tolerated in a free democracy.
But enough on that subject. Here is why I say now is the time to invest in the United States.
1. Compromise is going to become the "word for the day" for many days ahead. And compromise between the old traditional republicans (who I call the Lincoln Party) and the democratic party is good and it is going to happen. We learned something a few days back. We finally saw the consequence of how wide the fission of our non-compromising actions had become.
2. Not only will we defeat COVID-19 this next year, but we will also do it with just the right amount of economy. For you nay-sayers who say the economy of the United States is shaky, let me just point out to you that it is the United States with its near 50% of the market share of the world's business that decides the economy of the world. I have looked at the numbers. I separated national units into these categories: (1) United States; (2) the rest of the Americas; (3) Europe, including Russia; (4) China; (5) India; (6) Asia Pacific; and (7) Africa. I know what the numbers show.
Leading the world with companies like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Alphabet - it is the United States and the United States' businesses that direct the world's future. And now with the events of January 6, 2021, are companies are only going to be stronger as we increase opportunities across the full base of our population and start building the new companies of the future. We cannot help but succeed
3. To our great fortune, the United States elected absolutely the perfect man for this period of transformation that we are going into. Joe Biden is a loving and caring man with an understanding of the importance of forgiveness and compromise. Biden is not weak. Do not mistake his kindness for weakness. For most of you, you probably think there is just too much on his plate. I just laugh. Compromises are made in committee discussions. And there are a lot of committees ripe for compromises to be made.
4. The events of January 6, 2021, put globanomics immediately back onto the table. We are one country away from implementing globanomics world-wide and that country is China. And based upon something I think I heard yesterday, I believe China is already being reeled in some. With the re-energization of a united "free world" community which includes, the United States, America's, Europe, Asia Pacific, including Taiwan, India - China will necessarily have to learn to play the game. And when all world entities unite they are going to need a set of rules to follow. And that is where globanomics comes into play--the setting of those rules.
5. I always thought the United States would lead us into globanomics and over the years that seemed more like a hope than reality - although I always felt it was inevitable - I was hoping I would be around to see it. Because of January 6, 2021, I believe I am beginning to see the first early days of that globanomic theory and dream come alive.
And those are the reasons I say now, today, is the best opportunity in the world to invest your assets with the United States of America.
Disclosure: No positions.