Economic Data Forecasts For The Weeks Of June 24 & July 1

Here are my forecasts for upcoming economic data.      
  Forecast Prior  
Week of June 24      
June 24      
Dallas Fed Index -14.5 -19.4  
June 25      
Chicago Fed National Activity Index - May -0.25 -0.23  
S&P Case/Shiller Index - April      
Twenty City M/M 1.2% 1.6  
Twenty City M/M - SA 0.3 0.3  
Twenty City Y/Y 7.0 7.4  
FHFA Home Price Index - April 0.5% 0.1  
Consumer Confidence 100.0 102.0  
Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index -3.0 0  
June 26      
New Home Sales - May 650K 634  
June 27      
Durable Goods Orders - May 0.4% 0.6  
International Trade in Goods - May -96.4 99.4  
Wholesale Inventories - May (a) 0.1% 0.1  
GDP - Q1 (f) 1.3% 1.3  
Pending Home Sales Index - May 75.3 72.3  
June 28      
Personal Income - May 0.4% 0.3  
Personal Spending 0.4 0.2  
Chicago PMI - June 40.0 35.4  
Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index - June (r) 65.8 65.6  
Week of July 1      
July 1      
ISM (Mfg) - June 49.0 48.7  
Construction Spending - May   -0.1  
July 2      
JOLTS - May 7.900 8.059  
Auto Sales* - June 16.0K 15.9  
Car Sales 3.0 3.0  
Truck Sales 13.0 12.8  
July 3      
ADP Employment Report - June 160K 152  
International Trade - May -70.6 -74.6  
ISM Services - June 52.0 53.8  
Factory Orders - May 0.4% 0.7  
Durable Goods Orders  0.4 0.6  
Nondurable Goods Orders  0.4 0.8  
July 5      
Nonfarm Payrolls - June 180K 272  
Private 160 229  
Manufacturing 10 8  
Unemployment 4.0 4.0  
Average Workweek 34.3 34.3  
Average Hourly Earnings 0.3 0.4

More By This Author:

Economic Data Forecasts For The Weeks Of May 17 & 24
Economic Data Forecasts For The Weeks Of May 3 & 10
Economic Data Forecasts For The Weeks Of May 27 & June 3

Peter Morici is an economist and professor at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, and widely published columnist. He is the five time winner of the MarketWatch best forecaster ...

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