Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - Our Broken Hearts

The Bank of England came to the rescue of the gilts market this morning, pledging to buy 'an unlimited amount' of bonds.

While this was obviously just kicking the can down the road as they say, on the premise of easing pressures of dislocation and disorder in their markets, traders nevertheless chose to take it as a sign of more general central bank intervention.

And so stocks rallied sharply and held their gains into the close.

Gold and silver were smacked down hard in the overnight, as a gut punch to the new holders of futures contracts from the recent option expiration. 

But with their expiry manipulation done, gold and silver rocketed higher.

The Dollar fell sharply off the signal to the markets by the BoE and the new appetite for riskier assets. It was very overbought.

Bully managed to take stocks off the danger of breaking down through the important second low.

Let's see if they can keep it up.

Have a pleasant evening.

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Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - A Fairly Impressive Failure For Stocks To Rally
Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - Who Could Have Seen It Coming? - Comex Gold Option Expiration Tomorrow
Stocks And Precious Metals Charts: Gold And Silver Hammered

Disclaimer: These are personal observations about the economy and the markets. In providing information, I hope this allows you to make your own decisions in an informed manner, even if it is from ...

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