Grains Report - Tuesday, June 2

General Comments: Wheat markets finished lower as the weather seemed to improve in /Russia and cause Black Sea prices to move lower. It was a week of mixed weather news as Russia got good rains in just about all areas but parts of Europe and the western Great Plains of the US stayed dry. The weather is also good in Australia and has been good for planting in Argentina although Argentina has also been drier than normal. Frequent showers are being reported in most of Australia. The big weather feature is the dry weather in Europe and the US and this dry weather has been supporting world prices and futures price action. Competition for sales is expected to be tough even with less in the US and Europe as Australia is coming back after years of drought and as Russia has better weather and improved production prospects. The harvest, small or big, is coming and prices usually start to move lower soon and remain down through the harvest. Any rally at this time might not go much farther.
Overnight News: The southern Great Plains should get dry conditions. Temperatures should be near normal. Northern areas should see scattered showers. Temperatures will average near to below normal. The Canadian Prairies should see mostly dry conditions. Temperatures should average below normal. Egypt bought 120,000 tons of Ukrainian Wheat.
Chart Analysis: Trends in Chicago are mixed to up with no objectives. Support is at 512, 501, and 496 July, with resistance at 528, 535, and 540 July. Trends in Kansas City are mixed to up with objectives of 476 and 498 July. Support is at 457, 452, and 441 July, with resistance at 473, 477, and 486 July. Trends in Minneapolis are mixed to up with objectives of 536, 545, and 587 July. Support is at 514, 510, and 504 July, and resistance is at 526, 534, and 538 July.

General Comments: Rice was a little higher in new crop months and much higher in old crop July. The funds are buying the old crop futures on ideas of supply tightness. The combination of good export buying in general and the buying inside the US due to the Coronavirus has made the market short Rice. There are ideas that the mills are well covered into new crop, but little Rice is available from producers. Most of the unsold Rice is in Arkansas. The crops are in very good condition in the south and near the Gulf Coast but planting has been problematic in parts of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Missouri. However, USDA data shows that these crops are getting planted and are thriving. Ideas are that the long grain will get planted and producers will not plant medium grain if some prevent planting is needed. There are still ideas that the US will have a much bigger crop to harvest this Fall. Meanwhile, July appears destined to test the highs made by the May contract.
Overnight News: The Delta should get scattered showers. Temperatures should be generally above normal.
Chart Analysis: Trends are up with objectives of 1863 July. Support is at 1731, 1692, and 1654 July, with resistance at 1816, 1832, and 1844 July.

DJ Thai Rice Prices Climb on Increased Demand, Says USDA — Market Talk
0146 GMT – Thai rice prices are higher, supported by demand for white and parboiled rice from Asian and African buyers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says. It says foreign buyers began to seek Thai rice as prices of Thai and Vietnamese white rice are currently about the same after the Vietnamese government removed its rice export restrictions last month, compared with a typical price difference of around $15-$20 a metric ton. It notes Thai rice export prices increased 4% in the week ended May 25. (

General Comments: Corn was a little lower on the improving crop conditions here in the US. USDA showed good progress and very good condition for the Corn crop last night.. Meats processors are back and are aiming to restore 80% to 85% of capacity kill rates in their plants. The backlog of Cattle and Hogs will slowly disappear under this scenario and meats wholesale and retail prices will fall. This will take some time, but it is starting to come to pass. Ethanol demand is also improving as lockdown orders are lifter in most states and in Europe. Demand for gasoline and ethanol has gotten a little stronger and should continue to improve over time. All this still implies that ending stocks for Corn as projected by USDA can increase, but the increase should not be as great as originally thought. Export demand is becoming more difficult with US prices quoted above those in Argentina and Ukraine. Corn can rally a little more before the current seasonal rally runs out of steam as the funds still hold a significant short position and as farmers are scale up selling into the rally.
Overnight News:
Chart Analysis: Trends in Corn are mixed to up with objectives of 346 July. Support is at 319, 315, and 312 July, and resistance is at 330, 332, and 340 July. Trends in Oats are mixed to up with objectives of 346 July. Support is at 323, 320, and 315 July, and resistance is at 335, 339, and 342 July.

The USDA said 245 mil bu of corn was used for fuel alcohol in April, up from 410,000 mil a month ago and 441 mil last year.
—DDGS production in April was 1.014 mt versus 1.647 mt last month and 1.858 mt a year ago

General Comments Soybeans were a little lower as Chinese demand came once again into question. Overnight wire reports said that China had told its state owned traders not to purchase any more US Soybeans, but during the day the wires said that China had bought 3 to 5 cargoes of US beans. No one knows what to think about all of this. China is looking to curb the dissent in Hong Kong over moves to bring the city more under central government control from Beijing. The world has objected and the US has now imposed some additional sanctions on the country. The sanctions seem designed to keep trade flowing between the countries but the Chinese moves might upend all of that. China has remained a very active buyer in South America even as it has increased Soybeans buying here in the US, so the overall amount taken from the US might not match the hopes of the trade. Brazil prices have been creeping higher for thee rest of the world as it starts to run out of Soybeans to export, so China and the rest of the world will look to the US and Argentina for additional supplies.
Overnight News: China bought 132,000 tons of US Soybeans.
Chart Analysis: Trends in Soybeans are mixed. Support is at 834, 818, and 812 July, and resistance is at 849, 852, and 862 July. Trends in Soybean Meal are mixed. Support is at 280.00, 277.00, and 274.00 July, and resistance is at 286.00, 288.00, and 290.00 July. Trends in Soybean Oil are mixed to up with objectives of 2840 and 3020 July. Support is at 2690, 2660, and 2630 July, with resistance at 2770, 2810, and 2860 July.

China buys at least 3 cargoes U.S. soybeans for Oct or Nov shipment – traders – Reuters News
01-Jun-2020 12:24:52 PM
To view this story on Eikon, click here
June 1 (Reuters) – Chinese state-owned firms bought at least three bulk shipments of U.S. soybeans on Monday, or at least 180,000 tonnes, for shipment in October or November from U.S. Pacific Northwest ports, three U.S. traders familiar with the deals said.
Two traders said at least three cargoes had traded while a third said five cargoes, or about 300,000 tonnes, were sold.

The USDA April soybean crush was pegged at 183 mil bu (estimate was 183 mil bu) versus 192 mil a month ago and 172 last year
—Soyoil stocks were 2.602 bil lbs (estimate was 2.532 bil) versus 2.328 bil last month and 2.258 bil a year ago
—Soymeal stocks were 342,000t versus 369,000t last month and 337,000t a year ago

General Comments: World vegetable oils markets were lower. Palm Oil closed higher on ideas of reduced production and reports of better export demand. Palm Oil has been hoping for better demand from importers as world economies slowly open after being closed by the Coronavirus epidemic. A government change in Malaysia helped open the Indian market to Malaysian imports again. China is also buying. Southern Malaysia producers reported a sharp drop in production and there are ideas that all of Malaysia will come in below previous months. Indonesia continues to focus its Palm Oil on internal demand for bio fuels. Canola fell on improved growing conditions in the Canadian Prairies. Canola has found support from the recent recovery in Soybeans and Soybean Oil along with a weaker Canadian Dollar. Canola is more of a food oil than the others, although it also has bio fuels uses. A BC judge ruled against the release of the Huawei executive last week and this renewed trade tensions between Canada and China. The weather has been warmer the past couple of weeks after weeks of cold and wet weather.
Overnight News:
Chart Analysis: Trends in Canola are down with no objectives. Support is at 456.00, 452.00, and 449.00 July, with resistance at 462.00, 468.00, and 470.00 July. Trends in Palm Oil are mixed to up with objectives of 2340 August. Support is at 2240, 2210, and 2120 August, with resistance at 2310, 2350, and 2390 August.

Disclaimer: Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Investing in futures can involve substantial risk of loss & is not suitable for everyone. Trading foreign exchange also ...

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