Goldman Forecasts $2,700 Gold On ‘Resilient Chinese Demand’

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Goldman Forecasts $2,700 Gold On ‘Resilient Chinese Demand’

It’s amazing how the psychology of investors can change, even during a rally.

Just a few days ago while both gold and silver were selling off sharply to end the week, many precious metals investors were concerned about another downturn.

Which of course remains a possibility in any market at any time.

Yet the prices have stabilized this week, with gold still over $2,400 on Wednesday morning while silver is back up to $29.40. And of course a lot of the reasons that have been driving gold and silver over the past few years remain in place. Which Goldman Sachs noted in their new gold report, where they shared their price target of $2,700.

So Vince analyzes the report, talks about the reduction in Indian gold and silver import tariffs, and covers the rest of the daily precious metals news and trading levels.

Video Length: 00:16:30

More By This Author:

India Slashes Gold, Silver Import Tax From 15% To 6%
Silver Is Now In The Acceleration Phase
Expectations On Gold Vs. Silver For Rest Of 2024

Disclosure: None.

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