India Slashes Gold, Silver Import Tax From 15% To 6%

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India has a long history of gold and silver, and is known to be a price-sensitive buyer.

Which is one of the reasons why the news this week that they slashed the gold and silver import taxes from 15% to 6% is so significant.

India has already repatriated its gold from London this year, and has continued adding gold to its reserves. And the change in policy facilitates even more gold and silver investment in the 2nd half of 2024.

So in today's show I'm joined by Steve Cope of Silver Viper minerals, who talks about the news from India, and also gives an update on the silver short position, the Mexican mining laws, and a shocking admission from Alan Greenspan.

Video Length: 00:44:53

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Brian Carrico 7 months ago Member's comment

It doesn't appear that the shorts care yet. I think the drain of silver will be immense in the medium and long term though. Real price discovery needs exactly this.