Business Uncertainty And The High Altitude View Of The External Environment

Ram Charan has addressed uncertainty in his latest book, The Attacker’s Advantage. His chapter 4, “Searching for Early Warning Signals” is a good, short read that I recommend to every senior executive. (I have some disagreement with other parts of his book, which I’ll address in a later post, but even then The Attacker’s Advantage is worth reading.)

Charan, a top consultant to major corporations, argues in this chapter that executives need to scan at a very high altitude in order to see the first signs of impending change. I’ve worked with many senior managers whose focus is on their immediate challenges, such as personnel issues, regulatory compliance, supply chains and marketing plans. It’s easy to get so wrapped up in day-to-day management that one ignores signs of major change in the external environment.

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Futurist presentations at corporate meetings help, but they are often couched in a tone of certainty: this is what will happen in the next decade, and here’s what you need to do about it. I’m all for futurist presentations—I do them myself—but the more definitive the forecast, the more likely it’s wrong. What executives need from a futurist presentation is a wide ranging summary of risks and opportunities rather than unrealistic specificity.

Consider technological change as an example. It’s easy to say that it’s technology is changing faster than ever, but it’s misleading to say that we are improving all in all directions. Fifty years ago artificial intelligence was touted as the future, but only recently has much progress been made in a form that could be used by businesses. I’m still waiting for flying cars, asteroid mining and underwater cities. What senior executives need to hear is what changes are possible in the coming decade, and what can be done today to prepare for that future. The emphasis should be on cheap, incremental steps rather than massive programs based on a fixed view of future change. For instance, every company needs to better understand what “big data” might do for it, but not every company needs to staff up a large department of data miners.

My own list of futurist topics includes

  • Demographics and workforce changes (baby boomer retirements and the rise of Millennials)
  • Global shifts in emerging countries and resulting changes in competition and capital flows
  • Competitive changes from customization and new entrants to many markets
  • Social attitudes (Green, gay rights, marijuana) and how they are changing more rapidly than ever before
  • Technological changes, including Big Data and the Internet of Things

The right list varies from organization to organization, with pre-planning for customized topics more helpful than a canned presentation.

A good early warning system is vital to any organization that plans to exist more than one or two more years. Non-profits and government agencies need far-ranging input as much as for-profit businesses do. It’s certainly hard to divert executive attention from day-to-day issues, but the price of failing to do so is often failure of the entire enterprise due to unforeseen external change. Do scan the horizon—or else.

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