Bitcoin Time Map


Bitcoin (BITCOMP) has regularity with calendar day time cycles.

Chart 1 - Simple and true.


Chart 2 - Credit to TradingView. Similar sync.


It is only a matter of time. Some fundamentals.

More BRRRR in 2025 or maybe earlier as the FED has to sell $1.85 trillion of new US Treasuries in 2023 H2. Debt and energy inflation may bring BRRRR forward. Of course if there are massive spending cuts by US congress to reduce debt and inflation that would change the game. Doubt it, US is going into Argentina style fiscal dominance. 


NOTE: Fiscal dominance is when monetary policy is used to manage a countries solvency rather than unemployment or inflation targets. Hence inflation and unemployment levels are sacrificed for the protection of the bond market.

Chart 3 - More BRRRRR to come. 


Chart 4 - BTC is very cyclical.

BTC cycle


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