Cornelia Reichelt - Comments

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Merkel's Own Party Ready To Give Up On Greece; Another Week Of Deadlines; Reflections On Can Kicking
9 years ago

Now is the time to buy Greece's Government bonds and other papers as their course is low. Remember what we were told inthe Investment class: BUY LOW...SELL HIGH!

NO! Greece shall not leave the EU... I do not know WHO was the reporter,who invented this LIE,that Wolfgang Schäuble wants Greece to leave the EU? Beside this NOT we,GERMANS decide the Geexit,but the European Commission in Brussels!

I lived in Athens for about a yera and as my sister and my cousin are married there,I travel often to Greece and herad,that business people there IN KEINEM FALL DIE DRAHMA WIEDER HABEN WOLLEN!

In this article: GREK
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