Why Brands Will Love Amazon Echo

The walls have ears, almost literally, when Amazon's (AMZN) Echo is listening. This device and its peers will transform how people interact with media, appliances and even each other at home.

I assumed that the Echo voice-activated assistant would be a $99 paperweight, albeit half the price the paperweight costs people who don't subscribe to Amazon Prime. Instead, it wound up fitting in somewhere between a useful gadget and a member of the family.

Amazon Echo is a black cylinder standing nine inches tall -- about the dimensions of a thin roll of paper towels. Plug it in, sync it with a mobile device via wifi or Bluetooth so it can connect to a wireless network, and it listens in the background for its name (Alexa or Amazon are the only options so far). After someone in the room says "Alexa," a ring encircling the Echo's top shines with a blue light, and it awaits commands. Particularly useful ones include "weather" for a local report or travel forecast; "buy diapers" to add such items to a shopping list in the accompanying mobile app; and "play classic rock" to stream songs from Amazon or play music from your own stored library. It can also look up factual information from services such as Wikipedia, set a timer, create reminders and respond to other requests.

Right now, the voice recognition is impressive. As far as the commands it can respond to, it is often underwhelming or frustrating. Sometimes it wants to play music samples rather than stream music, or it can't get the basic gist of what I'm asking. All that, however, is a matter of Amazon updating software. And the limited features are still routinely useful, especially for a $99 device.

The potential is much greater. It's easy to imagine a near future where Echo can respond to queries such as, "Please turn down the lights and lower the thermostat by a few degrees;" "Recommend a dark comedy that I can binge watch on Amazon Prime;" "Which items on my shopping list are on sale?;" "Add the ingredients I need to make a chocolate birthday cake from scratch to my cart and deliver them by 5 p.m.;" "Give me gift suggestions for my daughter's birthday;" and "Buy the book '50 Shades of Grey' and deliver it to my mother's Kindle." Many such queries are commercial in nature, and given Amazon's growing advertising business, sponsored recommendations should be part of the roadmap for making Echo an even greater profit driver.

The most surprising facet of Echo is that it isn't a paperweight at all. When I first read about it, it seemed pointless. Why bother adding another device to replicate most, if not all, of the functionality of a smartphone? Yet what makes the Echo beautiful is how it fades into the background and becomes an almost hidden part of the room. Taking a smartphone out of one's pocket doesn't require a lot of effort, but it does require shifting attention to the device. With Echo in the background, taking an action is practically as simple as thinking about it.

Consider a scenario at a dinner table where you might not want to have any devices out. If your partner asks you, "Are we running low on milk?," it's easier to say, "No, but Alexa, remind me to buy milk tomorrow" than it is to take out the phone and add that to the to-do list. The Echo briefly becomes part of the conversation. I find it particularly useful when playing with my toddler, as that's a time when I am making a dedicated effort not to be distracted by a screen. My daughter was puzzled by Alexa's arrival and initially seemed disturbed by it, but now she routinely points to Alexa and wants me to turn it on to play music.

The Echo is hardly the only entrant in its category. Every couple of months, a new voice-activated assistant seems to become a popular crowdfunding project on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Each will have access to different services but likely serve similar purposes, and these assistants will become far more popular as homes become smarter and more connected. Amazon Echo could either prove to be the iPhone or the Google Glass in the category -- the first one to catch on and dominate the market, or the most popular entrant that defines a category in which it can't compete.

Voice activation in the home does make sense, it can work, and it will catch on. As it becomes more popular, it could even eat into a bit of the time people spend using various screens. Alexa and her peers will start shaping how people consume media and shop.

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Barry Blogger 8 years ago Member's comment

I find I have to repeat myself to my echo all the time. Often need to shout. I don't speak with an accent, but maybe it can't handle background noise well. Overall, it's disappointing. Though Amazon has kept true to its word and has been releasing new functionality all the time.

Kurt Benson 9 years ago Member's comment

I finally got my Amazon Echo and was decidedly disappointed. I can only turn off my lights if I purchase expensive wifi bulbs and if I'm in ear shot of the echo. Alexa can't understand my kids at all, and has trouble understanding me if there is any background noise at all. If Alexa is playing music or the news, she won't hear me even if shout right into it. Yet today I was typing and she told me she couldn't understand me. Weird. I do like being able to set alarms and such by voice, but the echo is a long way for being a great device.

That being said, this is likely a must for those with disabilities.

Angry Old Lady 9 years ago Member's comment

Great post, I've tried to buy Amazon Echo and have been unable to. I'm a Prime member but my invitation request wasn't accepted and when I asked why, I was essentially told how they picked people was a secret. Ironically, had this thing been made more widely available, I likely wouldn't have bothered trying to order one so soon.

Justin Vargos 9 years ago Member's comment

Nice review.

Harry Sinclair 9 years ago Member's comment

"Many such queries are commercial in nature, and given Amazon's growing advertising business, sponsored recommendations should be part of the roadmap for making Echo an even greater profit driver."

This is very interesting, and something I hadn't though of. I suspect you are right. I could envision two price points for the Echo, just as Amazon sells the Kindle with "special offers" (aka ads) for a lower price.

But it would be very invasive to have ads blurted out to you throughout the day. Or to have your streaming music, which I pay for to avoid commercial interruptions (like on Pandora or regular radio) be interrupted by Amazon ads. So how could Amazon truly integrate such a feature into this device?

Vintage Vixen 9 years ago Member's comment

I'd say its more likely Amazon would mine the data Echo collects to get more information about its customers. After all, Echo is linked to your Amazon account and if you have an Amazon tablet or phone, knows a lot about your browsing activity. With Echo "always on" and "always listening, Amazon will now know A LOT more about you, 24/7.

It's actually too creepy/Big Brother for me.

Alexis Renault 9 years ago Member's comment

How did you manage to get one of these? I requested an invite one the day it was announced and am still waiting!

Craig Newman 9 years ago Member's comment

I too have been very interested in buying this product, but it doesn't seem to be available for purchase anywhere. The author was probably sent one free for the purposes of reviewing it (something which probably should have been disclosed). Regardless, I'm envious!

Susan Miller 9 years ago Member's comment

Er, why would you be sending your mother '50 shades of Grey.' You two must have a very special mother-son relationship! ;-)

Duanne Johnson 9 years ago Member's comment

If the voice recognition is as bad as it is in Amazon's Fire TV remote, I won't be buying one of these. That was supposed to be "ground breakingly" accurate, yet I routinely have to repeat myself two or three times before it gets it right.

And if there are others chatting in the background... forget it. An accurate understanding is hopeless. Don't get me wrong, I like Amazon products, but Echo is ALL about the voice, is it not?