2016 – The Big Shift


As we close 2015 and begin a new year, the markets generally closed flat to neutral with a warning that as we approach the upcoming political turmoil of 2017, this is by no means going to be a walk through the park. We are more likely than not going to see some trends conclude in 2016 and others perform a false move that scares the hell out of everyone. Nevertheless, the stars may not be aligning, but the markets appear to be setting the stage to align for the BIG SHIFT.


What does the BIG SHIFT mean? It means that as we face a meltdown in Socialism which has taken hold of Western Governments, all assets must prepare for the hedge against government.

Big Shift 1975-1982

Relationships are never constant, yet the TV analysis tout fixed concepts that people then believe. At first, many will buy or sell based upon such unfounded beliefs and assumptions. When we examine them in details, they fall to the ground into dust.


I believe Europe is operating under a dictatorship and has lost any possible right to exercise a democratic process to remove the three members of the Troika since not a single one stands for any election.  Christine Lagarde is head of the IMF and is not even appointed to that position exclusively by Europeans (not to mention she was a personal friend of Obama). Draghi is ex-Goldman Sachs and as I like to say, once a member of Goldman, you never leave. The EU Parliament has no validity since the Commission is not bound by their vote. The people of European nations have absolutely no means to reclaim their sovereignty by any means other than force.


As we hurl through time and space toward 2017, we will come to realize that this is indeed the year I dubbed "Political Hell." Not only will a new president take office in the USA, but we are looking at France, Germany, and Britain also going nuts.


The $40 level becomes important resistance now in oil. The Dow closing lower than 2014 is warning that there is a risk of a retest of the lows as was the case with the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ which made a new high, at last, but with little follow-through. This warns we may yet see a retest of support and the Sling-Shot Move remains possible. Silver closed bearish and gold only neutral.

It appears everything is lining up for a very dramatic move between 2017 and 2020. So grab your socks, this could be one very crazy and wild ride to say the least.

Disclosure: None.

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