Angry Old Lady - Comments

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The US Virus Problem Is Going From Bad To Worse: But There Is One Bright Ray Of Hope - Testing
4 years ago

I disagree with your assumption that correctly identifying 50% of the population is better than not. Because it would create a situation where half the people who ARE infected, may get a false negative, and instead of playing it safe and staying home (especially if they were showing some symptoms), will instead walk around confidently, and infecting many more than they would otherwise.

Trade Wars Are Killing Pandemic Cooperation
4 years ago

Trump has singlehandedly done his best to destroy this country. The trade war was just one of many ways. But his pathetic response to the pandemic was so much worse. It's almost like he's trying to make the pandemic worse by encouraging people not to wear masks and ridiculing those that do. I can't wait for November when we can finally give him the boot.

Monster Beverage - Top Stock To Own
4 years ago

Monster also doesn't have the scandals the Red Bull faces:

In this article: MNST
Dollar – 2 Reasons Why Friday Is The Big Day
4 years ago

I don't think #Trump cares much for the constitution. Or the bible for that matter. His bible is "The Art of the Deal."

Dollar – 2 Reasons Why Friday Is The Big Day
4 years ago

Well as expected many of my friends are hailing him as a hero for being able to find the perfect compromise of $400 and offered to suspend taxes. I mean come on, Republicans wouldn't budge at $200, Dems wouldn't budge at $600. Was it so hard to compromise at $400? I think this was all engineered by the Republicans so Trump could "Save the day".

Open Letter To Trump On Lebanon's Latest Tragedy
4 years ago

The majority of everything out of Trump's mouth is a lie or pure fantasy. The intelligence community clarified for the media that they had no idea of what Trump was talking about as they had no such think. I for one would like to see what evidence @[Ziad K. Abdelnour](user:18121) has to claim this was an intentional attack.

President Trump Signs Additional COVID Relief – What To Expect From The Markets
4 years ago

Don't kid yourself, #Trump cares nothing about the economy or the American people or anything other than himself. He's simply trying to buy the election.

In this article: GLD, SLV, SPY, TRAN
Positive Outlook For Oil
4 years ago

#Trump also said you could protect yourself from Covid by injecting yourself with disinfectant like bleach. So I'd take what he says with a grain of salt.

In terms of the stocks, I like $TEVA.

4 years ago

When are they not?

There’s A Far Simpler Way To Help Struggling Americans Than The Convoluted CARES Act And PPP
4 years ago

Yes, and don't forget all those politicians who, in the early days, told their constituents all was fine, while they secretly made millions selling off their stocks and warning their donors to do the same. Heads should roll for this but nothing will happen.

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