Reggie Middleton - Profile

Reggie Middleton

CEO at Veritaseum
Member's Links: BoomBustBlog
Reggie Middleton is an entrepreneurial investor who guides a small team of independent analysts to uncover truths, seldom if, ever published in the mainstream media or Wall Street analyst reports. Since the inception of his BoomBustBlog, he has established an outstanding track record, ...more


Howard University
1985 / 1990

Work Experience

Veritaseum, Inc. UltraCoin
December 2013 - Present (10 years 11 months)

Acting CEO of Veritaseum's UltraCoin. VeritaseumTM, Inc. is a C corporation formed to exploit modern cryptography in the field of finance, economics and value transfer transactions. UltraCoinTM, a patent pending technology invented by the company’s founder, globally renown analyst Reggie Middleton, harnesses the abilities of recent discoveries in cryptographic science to literally enable programmable money.

September 2007 - Present (17 years 3 months)

My viral new media presence that serves as a digital diary chronicling my research, thoughts, opinions, successes and failures in riding the global macroeconomic boom-bust wave. The blog's focus is fundamental and forensic analysis of companies and situations throughout the world.

Managing Member
Reggie Middleton, LLC
1993 - Present (32 years 2 months)


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