Why are you so convinced that the UK staying a part of the EU is such a bad thing? I'm not sure that Brexit is such a good idea, and nearly half of Britain agrees. It was a close vote.
Gary, I don't follow your point. What do you mean "at least?" Yes, the economic cost of major storms can be far worse. But a fire can still be catastrophic (not to mentioned deadly). Especially to someone living at ground zero.
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So how is #Greece fairing since?
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WSJ is still better than the New York Times!
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Sounds promising.
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You had some really good articles. When/where can we see more by you?
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I'm becoming too afraid to answer just how low I fear this may go!
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Why are you so convinced that the UK staying a part of the EU is such a bad thing? I'm not sure that Brexit is such a good idea, and nearly half of Britain agrees. It was a close vote.
The Share Repurchase Bubble
Also, the real bubble is the #Trump Corporate Tax cut bubble. That is going to pop big time once the Dems get control again.
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Gary, I don't follow your point. What do you mean "at least?" Yes, the economic cost of major storms can be far worse. But a fire can still be catastrophic (not to mentioned deadly). Especially to someone living at ground zero.
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