It is wonderful to see a woman such as Rachel Fox bucking the mold and creating such wonderful opportunities for today's young. Very impressive. I'll make sure my grandkids know about her site.
While I don't dispute some of what you say, I question your use of the statement "so-called writers." I've read dozens of high quality pieces by various writers here, How many articles have you written? You do sound what you are talking about, so I'd be interested in reading your articles if you have any. But if not, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Perhaps it's just me but I sometimes get the sense that millennials are either impatient or worse, have a sense of entitlement where they expect to skip right to the finish line. While I can certainly respect a young lady trying to make her place in this world, why not start at the bottom and work your way up like the rest of us had to do. If you do, you will be far more likely to succeed when the time is right.
It's easy to say we should destroy ISIS or IS or any terrorist organization. How do you go about doing it? Either you nuke the entire country or you put our service men and women at risk by putting boots on the ground. And even then, you'll never catch them all - look at the quagmire we created in Iraq and Afghanistan.
While your statement makes sense to me, are you a technical expert? I am not so do not know if this is true. Would be curious of others with more expertise in this area could weigh in.
Latest Comments
Bank Of England Warns On Economic Risk Of “Brexit”
England will not vote against an exit; the European economy will fall apart completely!
Should I Sell My Home To Get Out Of Debt?
While selling my home is a last resort, it's something I've been considering. I certainly do have more space than I need at this point.
Gold Is Going To Move Down Into A Yearly Cycle Low
Thanks @[Rich 007](user:5407), can you share the link to the article by Hamilton?
Millennials And Money: My Interview With Rachel Fox
It is wonderful to see a woman such as Rachel Fox bucking the mold and creating such wonderful opportunities for today's young. Very impressive. I'll make sure my grandkids know about her site.
Gold Is Going To Move Down Into A Yearly Cycle Low
While I don't dispute some of what you say, I question your use of the statement "so-called writers." I've read dozens of high quality pieces by various writers here, How many articles have you written? You do sound what you are talking about, so I'd be interested in reading your articles if you have any. But if not, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Why I Am Never Going To Own A Home Again
What a sad story. Glad you found out a solution which works for you.
The State Of The Millennial Entrepreneur
Perhaps it's just me but I sometimes get the sense that millennials are either impatient or worse, have a sense of entitlement where they expect to skip right to the finish line. While I can certainly respect a young lady trying to make her place in this world, why not start at the bottom and work your way up like the rest of us had to do. If you do, you will be far more likely to succeed when the time is right.
Why America Is Not Safe From Islamic Terrorism
It's easy to say we should destroy ISIS or IS or any terrorist organization. How do you go about doing it? Either you nuke the entire country or you put our service men and women at risk by putting boots on the ground. And even then, you'll never catch them all - look at the quagmire we created in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Apple Vs. The FBI Vs. A Suggestion
While your statement makes sense to me, are you a technical expert? I am not so do not know if this is true. Would be curious of others with more expertise in this area could weigh in.
The Thailand Investment Scam
I wonder how many people fell for this scam. I could totally see a young entrepreneur totally get conned by this.