Well, the real economy could use a little helicopter money, precisely doled out in a short time period. Why #ZeroHedge would be against helping the real economy simply because it views DB as being disingenuous is hard to figure out. Real #HelicopterMoney is base money stimulus and goes directly to the people, without bond swapping or any fiscal drag on government. It would make a lot of sense, and it beats #NIRP and #ZIRP. If Zero Hedge has a better idea, let's hear it. One point, though, how much it pushes yields up could be hard to determine, since demand for bonds won't wain for collateral. Zero Hedge has written about this collateral issue, and it could present a problem as long bonds are the most highly rated collateral, more highly rated than #gold itself.
Deutsche Bank Loves Helicopter Money: Why "Big Inflation Is Coming... But Will First Require A Crisis"
Well, the real economy could use a little helicopter money, precisely doled out in a short time period. Why #ZeroHedge would be against helping the real economy simply because it views DB as being disingenuous is hard to figure out. Real #HelicopterMoney is base money stimulus and goes directly to the people, without bond swapping or any fiscal drag on government. It would make a lot of sense, and it beats #NIRP and #ZIRP. If Zero Hedge has a better idea, let's hear it. One point, though, how much it pushes yields up could be hard to determine, since demand for bonds won't wain for collateral. Zero Hedge has written about this collateral issue, and it could present a problem as long bonds are the most highly rated collateral, more highly rated than #gold itself.