TalkMarkets Comments | #ElonMusk - Page 2


Facebook: The Ministry Of Truth?
Michelle Bell 2/6/2018 6:07:07 PM

#ElonMusk, #BillGates and #SteveJobs maybe better. I don't know, I've never seen movies about them :) Though I did read that Musk thought Jobs was a complete jerk.

Truth is, I think it is probably very hard, if not impossible, for someone with a kind hard to climb that far and become so successful.

The Cult Of Tesla's Elon Musk
Barry Hochhauser 1/24/2018 8:07:07 PM

Ouch, harsh words for #ElonMusk.

TSLA Will Announce Earnings Today – Here’s My Prediction
Abe Jouejati 2/22/2017 4:37:14 PM

$TSLA and #ElonMusk have a solid vision and plan. It is obvious that they will not meet Q4 targets, however, the loss will not be as bad as previous losses. Moreover, the diversification into $SCTY will allow for some sort of lateral integration which will cut costs of production. Despite anticipated losses, I believe that $TSLA in the future will see profitability soar once the market has shifted to green energy. This is one of the buy and hold stocks, that may not be worth shorting in the near future.

Driverless Cars Not A Threat To Auto Insurance Industry Yet
Gary Anderson 7/21/2016 1:49:00 PM

We just have to hope people will continue to shy away from the concept of self driving cars. I believe people do not want them and will not want them when they realize that they are flawed technology and will always be flawed technology. They will not work at high speeds, with cones in the roads, with deciding whether to go through yellow, as is allowed in Nevada but not other states, etc. I think self driving cars are a bit of a con, and that #ElonMusk is a carnival barker. As far as #Google is concerned, they will not be self driving, but likely tied to a centralized computer. Hack that and you cause a million accidents. I don't think America will buy it. #selfdrivingcars

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