#AIG tanked a year before Bear! AIG was the monoline insurance company backing all the crap.
Then the banks eliminated Bear and Paulson destroyed Lehman and everything got all impaired and Bush went begging around the White House and adjacent grounds until congress handed Paulson his blank check and happy Gilmore hands it to the Fed. (Update: Paulson. Was DJ for Chinese premier visit to america)
The fed has resources! You should focus On the LTCM bailout. You chaps are out to sea.
Just cause you coined #ZIRP doesnt mean you get it!
Germany Is About To Sell Zero-Coupon 10 Year Bonds For The First Time Ever
#AIG tanked a year before Bear! AIG was the monoline insurance company backing all the crap.
Then the banks eliminated Bear and Paulson destroyed Lehman and everything got all impaired and Bush went begging around the White House and adjacent grounds until congress handed Paulson his blank check and happy Gilmore hands it to the Fed. (Update: Paulson. Was DJ for Chinese premier visit to america)
The fed has resources! You should focus On the LTCM bailout. You chaps are out to sea.
Just cause you coined #ZIRP doesnt mean you get it!