Samson Wang is Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Runnymede Capital Management. He founded the firm in 1993 and oversees the investment portfolios of institutions, Taft-Hartley, captive insurance companies, public pension funds, non-profit/religious organizations, and high-net-worth ...
more Samson Wang is Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Runnymede Capital Management. He founded the firm in 1993 and oversees the investment portfolios of institutions, Taft-Hartley, captive insurance companies, public pension funds, non-profit/religious organizations, and high-net-worth individuals.
Barron’s once wrote, “Samson Wang is one of Barron's favorite portfolio managers... Sam is his own man in the market, unswayed by popular delusions and the madness of crowds.” He is renowned for protecting the Bank of New York’s pension and other clients before 1987’s Black Monday. Same has done extensive research on identifying major stock market downturns and coined the phrase "financial hurricanes" in a 1996 Financial Consultant magazine article entitled “Surviving Financial Hurricanes.”
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