Charles Mizrahi | TalkMarkets | Page 1
President, Eastman Communications, Inc.
Contributor's Links: Insider Wealth Alert
In his more than 30 years of recommending stocks, Charles has knocked the cover off the ball, and has compiled an amazing record of success. He is the editor of Hidden Values Alert and the more


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Partner With Nvidia: No. 1 Small-Cap AI Stock
AI could contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy — almost as much as China’s GDP. And AI is going to drive the Dow Jones Industrial Average to 100,000 over the next decade … if not sooner.
AI’s $15.7 Trillion Revolution
It started with a single ship crossing the Atlantic to the shores of America. Something on a cargo ship about the size of a football field could trigger a massive economic revolution. To be more specific, $15.7 trillion dollars in new wealth.
How To Make Real Long-Term Investments
There are basically two general camps when it comes to investing: momentum trading and value investing.
2 Great Retail Stocks To Buy Today
Investors who trade based on emotion usually get hosed.
One Of The Most Important Steps In Selecting A Stock
Selecting companies that have an enduring competitive advantage is the first step in building a portfolio of businesses that produce industry-leading performance and, eventually, higher stock prices.
Think Different
Steve Jobs became one of the most successful businessmen in American history by sticking to a vision despite what the rest of the world was saying and doing.
Hedge Funds Miss The Boat Again
Hedge funds had another miserable year in 2015. While the S&P 500 index was up 1.2%, the average hedge fund lost 3%.
Three Buffett-like Investment Principles Anyone Can Do
So how can stock investors be more Buffett-like?
Charlie Munger: Worldly Wisdom
Graduate of Harvard Law School, Charlie Munger was given some solid advice by Warren Buffett. A few years later, Munger left his law firm and started investing. Today he works with Buffett as vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway...
The Lessons Learned From Valeant Pharmaceuticals
It’s not every day that a company with a market cap of more than $70 billion, losses 80% of its value in 9 months.
Swinging At The Fat Pitches
As long as we continue to buy financially sound companies trading at bargain prices, we’re confident we’ll keep hitting the bull’s-eye. All it requires now are discipline and patience.
Valuing Berkshire Hathaway
I once read somewhere that if you don’t understand the business, you can’t value it. And if you can’t value it, you have no business investing in it. Berkshire Hathaway is a company that can be understood and pretty accurately valued.
Relevance Of Graham 82 Years Later
Benjamin Graham continues to be relevant 82 years after he wrote his principles on investing. Both statistical and behavioral sciences have proven him right.
Too Much Information
With so much information available about a company and its stock price, how much information do you really need in order to make a decision? Is too much information a wonderful thing when it comes to selecting stocks to buy?
Picking The Bottom: Are We There Yet?
The question that seems to be on every investor’s mind is “When will the stock market stop falling?”
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