AG Letter
The latest breaking news and stock recommendations in the Agricultural Sector! From New Zealand.



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DuSolo Fertilizers: Brazil's Best Agricultural Play
9 years ago

Hi Joe,

I've been buying more as its been falling. The company can only produce once the rainy season is over so there may be some seasonality baked into the share price, but I'm of the opinion that the market is waiting to hear more sales contracts announced, along with a revised 43-101 with an expanded resource base.

In this article: ELGSF
Feeding The World Whilst Lining Your Pockets - Dusolo Fertilizers
9 years ago

It's a junior mining company and as such,it is a speculative play. See my updated piece on DuSolo for more information. Greater risk but if the company succeeds, far greater reward than that which will be attained by POT.

In this article: ELGSF
DuSolo Fertilizers: Brazil's Best Agricultural Play
10 years ago

Thanks Tony! Much Appreciated!

In this article: ELGSF
It’s Not Getting Any Smaller? Delusions Of Gold Bugs
10 years ago

Good point Tim. PM's are commodities and suffer the cyclical fate no less than any other natural resource. In 2012 when PM's were at or near all time highs, being a gold bug was popular and people were rewarded with a loss of asset value for their failure to invest with a margin of safety.

In this article: GLD
Agricultural Assets - Are They Overvalued?
10 years ago

No problem Clark, glad you enjoyed it!

In this article: DBA, MOO
Agricultural Assets - Are They Overvalued?
10 years ago

Agree about water and fertilizer. The food situation is pretty dire for those spending over 40% of their income on it, along with the 800 million people living in food insecurity at the moment. The US has been fortunate to issue the world reserve currency and export inflation. Things may not be so rosy when when inflation comes back home to roost.

This US is going to see massive food price hikes as some of the most productive farm land is in areas that are in critical water scarcity. Biofuels are taking good food out of the system and this may need to stop if food prices are to remain low.

In this article: DBA, MOO
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