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Dr. Toby Greene is an academic who researches, writes and teaches about politics and international relations. He was born in Manchester, lives in Modiin, and is frequently found in London. Details of his professional publications and affiliations are available at @toby_greene_



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Defeating Hamas Takes More Than Bombs
3 years ago

I think you more or less have it. No elections for Palestinian president or parliament since 2006. After Hamas won parliamentary elections in 2006 they kicked out from the Gaza Strip forces loyal to Abbas (who was elected president in 2005). Since then Abbas and his party have run the PA in the West Bank and Hamas have run the Gaza Strip. once a year or so they announce either a unity government or new elections but it never comes about because neither side will risk giving up control of what they have. As I understand it recent polls actually showed Fatah more popular than Hamas but Fatah is tearing itself apart in internal divisions.

Defeating Hamas Takes More Than Bombs
3 years ago

I am aware of many complaints about the content of PA textbooks, many of them I would assume are valid. Your claim about textbooks from Nazi Germany is absurd.

Defeating Hamas Takes More Than Bombs
3 years ago

I don't think Israel has disputed the number of civilian deaths. The IDF claims many more Hamas fighters were killed than they are admitting, but I have not seen them refute figures for child deaths which are widely circulated. I did not attribute blame for any specific incident in my article. From what I understand some were caused by misfiring Hamas rockets but many also by Israeli airstrikes.

Defeating Hamas Takes More Than Bombs
3 years ago

I don't sense that Gazans are in any illusion about their situation or lack access to information. I think the issue is it's very difficult to oppose Hamas which is in effect an authoritarian regime.

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