Financial writer
Contributor's Links: WallSteetDesk
I have written almost 6,500 articles on US stock markets. I cover metals, asset managers, macroeconomics, and electric vehicles. My research was cited in the Commerce Department's Section 232 steel report. I was also invited as a speaker to a scrap metal event in Russia. I worked as an ...more



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Tesla: No Bell To Be Found
4 years ago

tesla's chart would look like any other "red hot tech stock" of the 90s boom. Lest ppl forget, it burst very badly. I would agree, stay away as its been a short seller killer stock

In this article: INTC, TSLA
Why The Current Equity Rally Is Unsustainable
4 years ago

You can bet against fundamentals but when central banks and governments in a "whatever it takes moment" who cares about fundamantals.

How Comparable Is Tesla Of Today To Apple 20 Years Ago
4 years ago

agree. Also the capital intensity of both the businesses is very different

In this article: AAPL, TSLA
Baby Steps Won’t Take Berkshire And Buffett Anywhere
5 years ago

He said that he is looking for a big acquisition. He did not named any target

In this article: BRK-A, BRK-B
Baby Steps Won’t Take Berkshire And Buffett Anywhere
5 years ago

Undoubtedly amongst the greatest investor of all times :)

In this article: BRK-A, BRK-B
Baby Steps Won’t Take Berkshire And Buffett Anywhere
5 years ago

Well, #Buffett himself admitted to mistakes in $IBM, $ORCL, and Kraft Heinz. He also admitted missing out on $AMZN and $GOOG

In this article: BRK-A, BRK-B
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