I critically analyze and evaluate sustainable energy initiatives from the perspective of a Devils's Advocate. My goal is to identify flawed assumptions and hidden risks and help clients develop strategies to mitigate risk, ensure the return of capital, and maximize the return on capital. ...
more I critically analyze and evaluate sustainable energy initiatives from the perspective of a Devils's Advocate. My goal is to identify flawed assumptions and hidden risks and help clients develop strategies to mitigate risk, ensure the return of capital, and maximize the return on capital. I'm a lawyer and accountant who's devoted almost four decades to advising clients on corporate finance, SEC registration and reporting, and corporate governance. I've held board and executive positions in the mining, oil & gas and battery industries. I currently serve as a non-executive director of Giyani Metals Corp. (TSXV:EMM) and as a member of the index committee for the EQM Battery Metals and Mining Index (BATTIDX). My diverse experience gives me a unique and often unsettling view of the technical, economic, and supply chain challenges sustainable energy initiatives must overcome to be paying propositions. Over the last decade, I've earned a global following for my articles on the energy storage and sustainable energy sectors. I've contributed to Seeking Alpha, The Street, NASDAQ.com, AltEnergyStocks, InvestorIntel, and Batteries International Magazine. I'm a 1979 graduate of the Notre Dame Law School and a 1976 graduate of the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. I was admitted to the State Bar of Texas in 1980 and licensed to practice as a CPA in 1981.
Latest Comments
Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Spin, Fake News Or Deception?
It should also be a ton of fun for individual stockholders who hold Tesla shares in margin accounts and won't be able to use private fund shares as collateral.
Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Spin, Fake News Or Deception?
It's a fascinating circus to watch. I have no idea how Mr. Musk thinks he can fund a going private transaction when most institutions can't own shares in companies with limited liquidity, but I've been surprised several times over the course of my career.
Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Spin, Fake News Or Deception?
My next article is tentatively titled "Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Growth Fallacies and Supply Chain Risque Majeure." I hope to habit it ready for publication tomorrow morning.
Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Spin, Fake News Or Deception?
There were no credible emerging battery technologies when I started blogging 10 years ago and there are no credible emerging battery technologies today. In the battery industry it takes a decade for an innovation to go from Eureka! to first commercial product, another decade for an innovation to go from first commercial product to performance optimized product and yet another decade to go from performance optimized product to cost optimized product.
I've been reading holy grail stories on a regular basis for the past decade. None of them have delivered on the bold promises.
Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Spin, Fake News Or Deception?
Danny, would you classify it as spin if one of your co-workers took credit for your projects as well as his own?
Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Spin, Fake News Or Deception?
Mike, I’ll never forget the phrase in that Paul Newman prison farm movie, “sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.” Compared to Mr. Musk I have nothing other than the truth.
Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Spin, Fake News Or Deception?
Many thanks for the kind words Bill.
Tesla’s Cobalt Blues; Spin, Fake News Or Deception?
@Alexa, every expert I've spoken with thinks it will be extremely difficult to take the cobalt content to zero because the cobalt stabilizes NCO chemistry and reduces oxygen outgassing, which is extremely hazardous.
This blog from Benchmark provides more detail.