When Work Doesn't Work: The Failure Of The 9-To-5

Sculpture, Art, Breadline, Bronze, Depression, 1930

Image Source: Pixabay

Work as a structure doesn’t have to be how it was! Less than a hundred years ago, we made it so people had 8-hour work days. Things can be reinvented again, and they likely will be. The 4-day workweek, remote work, and async communication are already changing how we interact with each other.

Keynes thought that we would be working 15-hour weeks by the 21st century, which clearly, has not happened.

That video was NOT about not wanting to work anymore. That video was about wanting to work differently, with flexibility and time to pursue other things (that, let’s be real, will probably lead to a new career path).

Basically, that young woman should be able to walk to work and have friends and have time to be a person! Her video was reasonable! Things don’t have to be how they always were. Instead of simply saying “life sucks, get over it” it’s time we say “life sucks, let’s do something about it.”

Video Length: 00:17:42

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