Why Do People Think The Economy Is Bad?

Image Source: Pexels

Again, I offer you an apology - I missed last weeks newsletter because I was finalizing the book (!!!!) It is officially in transmittal, off to the next phase of its journey before it comes back to me so I can whack it down approximately 20,000 words.

There was a strange sense of melancholy that came after I hit send on the email with the entire manuscript. Despite my seemingly apparent expectations of a shaken world, I was the same before and after I pressed the key. I guess I had been expecting things to feel different, for the sky to open up, a booming voice to say “hey good job” and the sun to beam a single ray of light into the middle of my forehead, for fanfare and chorus and celebration, but instead, it was me and Moo, as always, in my kitchen/office/living room/bike workshop.

When we finish something Gigantic, it’s an End. When Ends come like that, I usually try to run. Ends mean things have gotten too close. Move again. I moved ten times my first two years out of college - four cities, nine apartments, one pillow on a floor.

The theory is, if you keep running, roots never grow. If you stay mobile, nothing can ever catch you. Leave things first, never get hurt. Running will keep you safe. This works until you get tired. One day, running gets heavy. One day, you don’t know where to run anymore.

See, when most people run from things, it’s because they are living in two worlds in once. A world where things are good and beautiful and people love you, and a world where you are still afraid and worried and uncertain.

The two can co-exist.

And the reason I began this newsletter with this unnecessarily indulgent soliloquy (thank you for listening) is because I’ve been thinking a lot about the economy. The continued (false) idea that many have that we are in a Recession, and how that shapes the economy.

How bad it feels to tell people that we aren’t in one, that things could be worse, that actually you should be feeling good - so tell me dear reader, why do you feel bad?

Video Length: 00:17:07

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