This Earnings Reversal Could Make Us A Fortune Tomorrow

person using MacBook Pro on table

Image Source: Unsplash

Earnings are out, and markets just crashed!

But we don’t trade the News, we trade the charts…

And the charts tell me this Earnings Reversal might be our biggest winner of the week!

Markets are bullish into ranges today, so this strong move down might be scary, but it’s the perfect place to time the perfect reversal!

Let’s see if sellers chase it lower… keep an eye out for the signal!

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is bullish into a range, telling us buyers will be looking for breakout-pullbacks above the highs tomorrow morning.

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq is bullish into a range, telling us buyers will be looking for bear traps off support levels above the range tomorrow morning!

Video Length: 00:27:53

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This Bear Trap Could Be Easy Money On Tuesday, July 23
This Short Squeeze Could Make Our Entire Week
This Slingshot Reversal Could Make Us A Fortune - Wednesday, July 17

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