This Double Bottom Could Trigger A Massive Short Squeeze

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Weekend’s over… let’s make some money!

Markets are range-bound ahead of major news later in the week…

I have (2) Range trades on my radar, and this Double-bottom Reversal is my favorite!

Markets are bullish into ranges tonight, and I see 3 clues telling where the best entries are going to be…

The first 2 clues are easy, but the 3rd clue is what really unlocks the secret to making money on Tuesday – don’t miss this!

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is bullish overall, but a strong move down this afternoon tells us to look for buying opportunities using a double-bottom reversal.

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq is bullish into a range, so buyers will be looking for ways to buy off support levels below the range using Seller Failures and Bear Traps.

Video Length: 00:28:43

More By This Author:

This Bull Trap Could Make Us A Fortune On Friday
This Perfect Pullback Could Be Our Biggest Win Of All Week
This PPI Squeeze Could Earn Monster Profits On Tuesday

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