These Traps Could Make Us A Fortune Tomorrow Morning

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Back to work, let’s make some money!

Markets are range-bound after a BIG MOVE higher in the last couple of days…

Put those 2 clues together and it’s easy to see why these TRAPS could be easy money on Wednesday!

Markets were choppy during Jerome Powell’s testimony today, which is great news for us…

Anytime we see choppy ranges like these, we know TRAPS are likely where the easy money is made!

E-Mini S&P (ES):

  • Emini is bullish into a range, telling us to buy low, sell high and trade the rotation back and forth like a pendulum!

E-Mini Nasdaq (NQ):

  • Nasdaq is bullish and buyers will be looking for Bear Traps as price tries to rotate back to the highs of today’s trading-range.

Video Length: 00:29:31

More By This Author:

This Range Reversal Could Make Our Entire Week
This Bull Trap Could Be A Huge Payday
This Squeeze Trade Could Double Our Profits

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