The S&P 500 In Week 5 Of May 2017

The fifth and final trading week of May 2017 was shortened by the Memorial Day holiday weekend, but one thing clearly stood out about it. Investors are tightly focused on 2017-Q2 in setting today's stock prices!

Alternative Futures - S&P 500 - 2017Q2 - Standard Model - Snapshot on 02 June 2017


The reason for that is straight forward - it has almost everything to do with the expected timing of the Fed's next rate hike in short term U.S. interest rates. But, you don't have to take our word for it - in addition to the S&P 500 tracking our dividend-based model's projections for the path that the S&P 500 would follow if investors are focused on the soon-to-end quarter of 2017-Q2, that assessment also directly correlates with what the headlines of the week revealed about the forward-looking expectations of investors....

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Friday, 2 June 2017

Elsewhere, Barry Ritholtz summarizes the week's markets and economic news into positives and negatives.

We'll close with two observations. First, the ticking clock problem that we've mentioned in recent weeks for the S&P 500 is alive and well, where investors will be shifting their attention to some other point of time in the future within the next two weeks, with the expiration of options and futures contracts on 16 June 2017 marking the longest that investors will maintain any of their attention on 2017-Q2. Second, the first week of June 2017 will contain a potential geopolitical noise event in the form of the U.K.'s snap elections and their uncertain outcome that might contribute to triggering a sudden shift in the forward-looking focus of investors. 

Disclosure: None.

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