Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

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As you probably already know the Non-Farm Payrolls report came in on the hot upside this morning.

The Dollar rocketed higher.

Stocks ended up rallying today, which was a bit of a surprise.

Gold and silver were back in rally mode.

VIX fell.

Let's see how next week goes.

Biden's lack of leadership and diplomacy befitting one of the leaders of the Western world is notable. 

But his felonious opponent is distasteful to the extreme. 

We seem to be faced with Hobson's choice once again in this election year.

I don't have a problem voting my conscience independently. I have been doing it for quite a few years.

And I have stopped watching the network news programs for the most part except for some local shows.

As a people we deserve better. 

We had the first earthquake of significance here in NJ and the Philadelphia-NYC metroplex in many, many years.

Nothing broken.  

Except our hardened hearts.

Have a pleasant weekend.

More By This Author:

Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - NFP Report Tomorrow
Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - Gold And Silver Continue To Rally
Stocks And Precious Metals Charts - Hi-Yo Silver, Away

Disclaimer: These are personal observations about the economy and the markets. In providing information, I hope this allows you to make your own decisions in an informed manner, even if it is ...

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