Monster Spike In Western Precious Metals Demand
Yes, Martha, western gold and silver demand is rapidly picking up steam. The GLD etf has seen an increase from 701.90 tonnes on June 19th to 711.44 tonnes yesterday. Elsewhere, the US Mint sold a record amount of 1 oz American Eagles Monday at 1,150,000. As POS trades in the range around $16, the US Mint June demand alone looks to be in the five million ounces range, or 8% of world production.
ATMs in Greece: a little late guys.
Similar reports of a significant surge in gold demand is coming from Europe as well. Greece has stopped it’s sovereign gold coin sales.
Now it is cabal controlled financial media outlets like Bloomberg talking about fireworks from a China move to at least a partial gold standard, and a gold reserve revelation.
Over at the Crimex, an eyeballing of the open interest makes it clear there has been even more managed money shorting. If nothing else these psychotics have big cojones. These criminals would like you to believe Greece, and Puerto Rico, and the Ukraine, and China, and, and, don’t matter. I’d say the fat lady has yet to sing.
These scammers seem to be planting straw man and false stories about Chinese gold demand weakening. Then we get news for the latest week (to June 19th), that SGE gold withdrawals were 54 tonnes at a time of year when they would normally struggle to reach even 30 tonnes. The daily delivery counts during the 25% stock market rout are just fine thank you with Friday and Monday totalling 37.14 tonnes. And importantly, unlike in the West, the Chinese public is not gamed and brainwashed into avoiding gold, in fact quite the opposite.
Disclosure: None.
Paper vs physical. Reality wins in the end. China will prove that soon.
Yet gold continues its decline. Why is that?