Even Yield Hogs Should Avoid Junk Bonds
It’s been a while since I last looked at junk-bond yields so I was flabbergasted at one point last week when I checked FRED, the research arm of the Federal Reserve. The yield on the “Bank of America Merrill Lynch US High Yield Effective Yield” was down to just a tad above 6%. I get that interest rates are low. Still, there has to be some point at which we just say “No,” especially since big-name ETF providers feature such temptations as SPDR Barclays High Yield Bonds (JNK) and iShares iBoxx High Yield Corporates (HYG) and, hence, make it easier than ever for the average possibly unwary but definitely yield-craving investors to get up to their eyeballs in this stuff.
Actually, my shock at how low the yield was has something to do with the fact that this is a market I haven’t watched closely in many years. In fact, the current yield is not as low as it’s been in the recent past. It bottomed on 6/25/14 at 5.19%. But that was a pretty bad time to be in these instruments as yields did a u-turn and shot up to 9.78 by 2/10/16. So it’s entirely possible that notwithstanding the market’s sudden burst of Fed angst, the yield might again test or even surpass prior lows But it’s not as if that prospect makes these worth owning. (How many of yield chasers who climbed aboard in early 2014 do you think sold by June 25th?)
Forget the Fed for a moment. I know that’s hard to do, but sometimes, there are other things we have to consider, such as, what junk bonds really are about.
Introducing Junk Bonds
I assume by now we all know about credit risk and have learned to wink when funds such as the ETFs cited above have legal names that refer to “high yield” or something like that. But junk is junk whatever the lawyers and marketers call it. Back in the Michael Milken –Drexel Burnham heyday, the junk bond fund I managed used the phrase “Aggressive Income.” Other than the one shareholder that called me when publicity about that era’s big scandal was raging to say, “Thank God we’re not in junk bonds,” everybody else knew the score.
Junk bonds are called junk bonds because they are . . . well, junk. Many of the issuers can’t afford to pay the interest. There are two types of junk bonds. One is the fallen angel. This is a bond that was decent when it started but became junk because the creditor-company later fell on hard times. The other, and eventually more popular, category is original-issue junk, which means it’s issued as junk from day one and is never expected to be traded other than on specialized trading desks dedicated specifically to junk, oops, I mean high yield.
Original-issue junk had two flavors all its own. The infamous portion of this market consisted debt used to finance acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, etc. The idea was that cash flows would be improved after the purchase and/or surplus assets sold in order to repay debt and make the equity (and possibly whatever debt was left over) much more valuable. Sometimes, these bonds were issued with a specific purchase in mind. Other times, companies issued bonds to accumulate war chests, which they would keep in their back pockets while they hunted for victims; I mean prospective acquisition targets. And then there was the plain-vanilla original-issue junk bonds that were functionally like equity IPOs (ways to raise capital) but which substituted higher risk (fixed interest-expense obligations) and higher potential returns (the equity holders would not have to share future profit growth with additional outside shareholders).
Why The Risk Is Supposed To Be OK
All of these categories of bonds are very risky and that’s why they have higher yields. Lenders (or in the case of junk-bond ETFs, the ETF shareholders) are supposed to be protected by (i) a yield premium that is high enough to make for a reasonable enough portfolio return even if we assume, as we absolutely must, some bonds will blow up, (ii) covenants, contractual agreements with bondholders, that limit management’s ability to do crazy things that will later make the bods riskier than the market thought they would be at the time of issuance, (iii) and a capital structure hierarchy that gives bondholders prior claims against corporate assets.
In characterizing these protections and mindful of the need to avoid giving the editors needless angst, I’ll leave it at “somewhat flawed.”
Default Rates That Aren’t
I don’t know what numbers are being bandied about today with respect to default rates, but back when I was in the business, it was described as being around 4%. One year (back when the market was narrow enough that I knew all the issues), I checked on the accepted figures by doing my own manual count and got fed up when I reached 25%. One possibility is that “they” (nobody seemed to know who was actually responsible for these so-called default rate calculations but we presumed it was the brokerage community) kept the default rate at 4% by ceasing to count after hitting that level.
On reflection, though, I realized that default rate is a largely useless number. Default is a legal event; a failure to pay an obligation that comes due. In reality, though, junk bond holders have equity-like mindsets, which means they discount the future. We all know when a company is heading down the drain and start selling as soon as we saw trouble.
And we sold and sold and sold some more, so much so that the companies often waived the white flag before the lawyers came around with blank bankruptcy petitions for the executives to sign. They did what is usually done in legal situations. They negotiated. And they kept negotiating. And when the creditors balked and said “These new terms stink,” management (who, by the way, just so happened to own all or a heck of a lot of the equity, said “Oh yeah, would you rather just take us in bankruptcy and wind up with one cent on the dollar, if that, five years from now, or sign here on this debt-restructuring deal and get a whopping 10 cents on the dollar right now?”
Guess what the bondholders wound up doing.
So there you have it, a 90% loss, better still a 90% loss that is contractually locked in that can never be recovered, and we never actually experience a default, which means this mess is not counted in the default rate statistics. And even better, the absence of a default; if a legal obligation is negotiated away, non-compliance cannot be considered a default. (Are you beginning to wonder why I got out of that business?)
Covenants And Negotiators
As to covenants, that nonsense was downright funny. If management found itself with a burning desire to do something reckless that would increase risk, all they had to do was hire some bankers and lawyers to re-write the covenant and put it to the bondholders for a vote and offer to compensate by adding a few pennies to the coupon (the interest obligation) they wouldn’t be able to pay anyway. And even though managers of little funds like me always screamed “#$&^ no!” into the phone (and caused people walking past open office doors to look in with quizzical expressions) when the brokerage firms pitched the deals, the big guys the guys with market power, would vote “yes” so fast the analog telephone lines and eventually mail couldn’t transmit fast enough – which may or may not have led to the development of fax, scan and e-mail or broadband.
The Upside Down Capital Structure
And finally, there’s the good old capital structure hierarchy in which equity holders have the first priority.
First priority? What’s he talking about? Equity is on the bottom. Creditors have first claim on assets. Typo check!
Yeah. Right. The textbooks say first priority and there’s plenty of real-world legalese along those lines. But life is not lived in books or in the fine print in thick documents. In the real world, with management owning equity and with large bondholders negotiating as they do (see above), do you really think there is any way the equity holders are going to be left holding the bag? Do you remember hearing something about Donald Trump, bankruptcy, Atlantic City, others left holding the bag, etc. Mr. Trump, when questioned during the primary debates correctly stated that he worked within the law. But I take issue with his having characterized the creditors as sharks or something like that. I would prefer to characterize the big creditors as minnows, but I have no desire to demean the minnow community.
And wait: There’s more.
Suppose there is a big enough pie to actually give lenders more than just the stalest of scraps, but not big enough to satisfyingly feed them all. Guess who is going to wind up with the least satisfying plate. You guessed it, the junk bond holders. The better portions go to the banks, who are higher in the capital structure; debt is not a uniform monolith but a category that has a set of sub-hierarchies all its own (and here, finally, the capital structure works as it should, sigh…), the ones who get all the inside information because they are not in the public markets and, hence, not subject to public-market disclosure restrictions.
But Junk Bonds Have Still Worked . . . Or Have They?
Table 1 shows the results of backtested performance of simple buy-and-hold fixed-income ETF portfolios I set up on Portfolio123 from the beginning of 2007 (near the time when the junk bond ETFs debuted) through the present. The junk-bond portfolio consists of JNK and HYG. All results show total return (i.e. they are include dividends). The 20+ year Treasury offering is the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT). The general-fixed income portfolio consists of two robo-firm favorites, the Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND) and the iShares iBoxx Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF (LQD).
Beta and Alpha figures are calculated with reference to the S&P 500, more specifically, with reference to the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY), which seems reasonable in the context of the considerable discussion nowadays about fixed-income as a good diversification vehicle relative to stocks.
Table 1 – 2007 through present
Annual Return % | Standard Deviation | 77″>Maximum Drawdown % | Beta | Annual Alpha % | |
Junk Bonds | 5.04 | 12.51 | -37.06 | 0.58 | 0.94 |
General Fixed Inc. | 5.34 | 5.44 | -15.62 | 0.07 | 4.51 |
20Yr+ UST | 8.24 | 14.63 | -26.99 | -0.32 | 11.77 |
S&P 500 | 6.68 | 16.12 | -55.42 | - - | - - |
Gurus, commentators, etc., say until they’re blue in the face that’s it’s not just about yield, risk to principal matters. I’m just one of many. And we’re all struggling to find ways to get understandably yield-needing investors (I’m one of you; I feel your pain) to take what we say seriously.
Perhaps Table 1 can make its own little contribution. The 20-year U.S. Treasury ETF has zero credit risk, plenty of market risk. But at least those who invested nearly nine years ago were well compensated for the uncertainties to which they subjected themselves. Those who pursued general fixed income took on a broad run-of-the-mill set of market and credit risks. Their failure to amp up the market risk cost them what they could have earned in 20+ year Treasuries. But it’s hard to fault them the results they ultimately achieved; a decent return with a lot more stability.
The junk-bond yield hogs came away worst. They subjected themselves to extreme credit risk. As it turned out, they didn’t get punished with the mass chaos a serious business slowdown can cause (they actually survived 2008 and recovered). So in this sense, they did OK – but not well enough to leave them, better off than they could have been had they traded big credit risk for big market risk or for a bland collection of ordinary fixed-income-type risks.
So just here, we see that junk bonds really did not pay. Yet these were (subject to a 2008 scare that proved only temporary) pretty good times and in the world of fixed income, right up there with the best of times.
Table 2 – last 2 years up through 9/8/16
Annual Return % | Standard Deviation | Maximum Drawdown % | Beta | Annual Alpha % | |
Junk Bonds | 1.02 | 7.04 | -15.12 | 0.36 | -0.51 |
General Fixed Inc. | 4.42 | 3.78 | -4.26 | -0.01 | 5.14 |
20Yr+ UST | 11.85 | 12.60 | -15.16 | -0.33 | 16.20 |
S&P 500 | 6.57 | 13.44 | -13.34 | - - | - - |
Table 2 shows the same investment choices but only for the past two years, still terrific times for fixed income but with considerable angst developing over increasing probability of darker days to come.
Ouch. We haven’t even seen experienced the end of the bull market yet and the gunslingers who have been betting on meaningful and prolonged negative interest rates have cashed in. On the other hand, the gunslingers that have been betting on junk bonds have already had the door to the party slammed shut in their faces. And again, these are still good times! When it comes to credit worries (that can cause paper losses) and genuine credit busts (which cause unrecoverable real-money losses), things can either stay the same (already not so good) or get worse.
Table 3 shows the results of the Friday (9/9/16) market nightmare (return only, there’s no point in computing other statistics just for a day).
Table 3 – 9/9/16
Annual Return % | |
Junk Bonds | -1.19 |
General Fixed Inc. | -0.91 |
20Yr+ UST | -2.41 |
S&P 500 | -2.44 |
I’m not at all surprised that TLT (the 20+ year Treasury) did as badly as it did. I did spotlight that ETF very recently in an article listing what I considered some genuinely awful investments.
The general fixed income ETF portfolio outperformed equities on that day (as those using such ETFs to reduce volatility would have hoped). How these will fare longer term relative to equities is a topic for another day. For now, what’s noteworthy is that junk bonds took their pound of flesh relative to generic bonds.
When interest rates are plummeting and the economy is OK, we have the luxury of focusing on yield alone and ignoring “total return.” But when principal starts to look iffy, yield-hogging s a lot easier said than done.
I know income is important. I want it too. I share in your pain. I’ll talk about other, better, ways to purse this in subsequent articles.
Disclosure: None.
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