Daily Linkfest
I’m trying something new – this is a post/notification via email of the latest articles featured on my website. If you find this useful, or not, please let me know by posting a comment.
- Luxembourg tax files: how tiny state rubber-stamped tax avoidance on an industrial scale: Everything you need to know about tax avoidance if you’re a big corporation. Nothing if you’re the rest of us, but if you have ideas, please submit.
- Great Graphic: Hours Worked Per Week (1870-2000): They’ve been declining – Marc to Market. (Great Graphic tweeted by Ian Bremmer, but comes from Max Roser.)
- There Are A Lot Of Part-Time Workers In Post-Financial Crisis America: Doug Short presents charts.
- “Stock Market Is Overvalued By 100%” Says John Hussman in Chris Martenson Interview; Financial Repression Revisited – John Hussman: Watch out for stocks – they’re overvalued. Mish reports.
- Here come the “Best Six Months” – Josh Brown: “buy stocks.”
- Chart o’ the Day: Here Comes the Seasonal Tailwind – Josh Brown: “buy stocks.”
- The Biggest Threat to U.S. Jobs: “The Contestability Nightmare” – John Mauldin’s friend of a friend Sam Rines is concerned about outsourcing and what it does to our economy.
- Sector Weightings: Another Financial Toolbox Gizmo: Wade Slome looks at sectors.
- Shifting Sands: Tim Knight wonders if oil is the new gold. In a bad way.
- JPMorgan’s $9 Billion Witness Puts Government Testimony by Her Boss into Question: Alayne Fleischmann’s boss seems to have a problem remembering emails and warnings.
- Ukraine Central Bank Bans Bitcoin “To Protect Citizens” From Financing Terrorism: Doesn’t Ukraine have bigger problems?
- Where Will Risk Erupt This Time? Picture this: a 800-pound gorilla that stomps on the stock and bond markets without even noticing the squishing sound. Charles Hugh Smith explains.
- And The Biggest “Source Of Equity Demand In Recent Years”, According To Goldman Sachs, Is… Can you guess?
- Ukraine Split in Two; Expect Major Rebel Advance: Mish shares a timeline and thoughts on Ukraine’s bigger problems than bitcoins.
- Leave The Big Calls To The Pundits: Roger Nusbaum quotes Allan Roth: “My clients pay me a lot of money so I can tell them that I don’t know the future. The more we try to time the market, the worse we do.”
- Alayne Fleischmann – the Snowden of NY Banking: It’s not easy being a whistleblower--a totally thankless job. Martin Armstrong writes about Matt Taibbi’s Rolling Stone piece.
- A World Run On Broken Models: The Automatic Earth’s sequel to The Broken Model Of The Eurozone.
- Catalan Leaders Defy Madrid, Hold Independence Referendum: 80% of Catalan voters want independence.
- Russia, China Sign Second Mega-Gas Deal: Beijing Becomes Largest Buyer Of Russian Gas: Tyler Durden asks: Can the US continue to pretend it is the world’s only superpower and has no need for either Russia or China?
- The Silver Lining Of Stagnant US Incomes: Half-Price Hookers: There are some benefits to a poor economy…. but wait, this is not a silver lining for the hookers.
- Feudal Serf Jobs Growing at 2006 Bubble Rate: Lee Adler on one of his favorite topics: Jobs.
- Thirty Second Course on Asset Allocation: Josh Brown covers it with one chart.
- Don’t Get Ruined by These 10 Popular Investment Myths (Part VIII): Message: financial writers who continuously blame every up and down in the stock market on the news event of the day are not worth reading.
- Forget Tesla ‘D’ – This Is The Fastest Electric Car In The World
- Did Gold and Silver Just Get Their “Greenspan Put”? John Rubino notes that something interesting happened as the latest smack-down really got going.
- Sanctions: Diplomatic Weapons Of Mass Criminality: Interesting look at the sanctions on Russia and the likely results.
- Inside The Minds Of Central Bankers: Do they stay up at night thinking. What about?
- Connecting the Dots: Watch Out: Facebook’s Skyrocketing Expenses Signal Trouble Is FB in trouble?
- The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase’s Worst Nightmare: Matt Taibbi writes about Alayne Fleischmann’s ongoing struggle to share the truth.
- Amazon and IBM: Whoops! Earnings – does a company really need them? Ask IBM and AMZN shareholders.
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Great links and articles! Thank you!