Credit Markets Getting Tighter, Pressuring The Banks
Image Source: Pixabay
It's been a relatively quiet market throughout the summer following the chaos in the banking sector earlier this year. But despite Wall Street trader vacations and a relative calm in the markets, credit conditions have continued to tighten as the Federal Reserve has continued its interest rate hikes.
All of which has left the conditions in the US economy facing increasing headwinds. And in today's physical silver market update with Andy Schectman and Bill Holter of Miles Franklin, Bill talks about the impact the credit conditions are having and will continue to have on the overall health of the US financial system.
Bill and Andy also talk about how that's affecting the gold and silver markets, and how the possibility of bank bail-ins are leading people to opt out of the banks and into precious metals. They describe the recent uptick in activity in gold and silver buying, and also comment on the latest developments regarding silver premiums.
Video Length: 00:31:09
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