All Holy Hell Breaks Loose

person using macbook pro on black table

Image Source: Unsplash

It’s late, but market action compels me to do a post. Thanks to what is apparently a massive attack from Israel against Iraq and Syria, the S&P 500 futures are collapsing:

The Nasdaq is getting destroyed:

The Russell is getting nuked:

While crude oil is roaring higher:

Gold, a true safe haven, is rocketing (whereas the joke Bitcoin is plunging):

And Volatility has zipped from a hilarious 12 level to nearly 20 in short order.

And the US dollar is in a free fall.

Gosh, Friday – – the day before a MARKETS ARE CLOSED UNTIL MONDAY weekend – – should be a little bit interesting, would you not say?

Victory to the Bears!

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I tilt to the bearish side. Slope of Hope is not, and has never been, a provider of investment advice. So I take absolutely no responsibility for the losses – – or any credit ...

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