3D Systems; Despite The Crash

Despite the crash in this bubble…


…a recent SeekingAlpha piece proclaiming a justified $100/share valuation elicited these comments:

“A hundred bucks each year :-)

2014-15 = $100
2015-16 = $200, or 100% appreciation from $100
2016-17 = $300, or 50% appreciation from $200
2017-18 = $400, or 33% appreciation from $300
2018-19 = $500, or only 25% appreciation from $400
2019-20 = $600, or only 20% appreciation from $500
2020-21 = $700, or only 17% appreciation from $600
2021-22 = $800, or only 14% appreciation from $700
2022-23 = $900, or only 12.5% appreciation from $800
2023-24 = $1000, or only 11% appreciation from $900

Hey, if an internet search engine did it, why not the leader of the next industrial revolution. :-)”

temenem, I always love hearing from you. I’m doubling down on DDD and buying into ssys now that they’ve dropped to 100ish, both good, my favorite remains with DDD watching what they are both doing, but I can’t help but seeing a joining in the long haul. If not, I want to be betting on both the new Apple and Microsoft :) Short runners seem to not see this IS the future, it’s not a quick buck or a fad. I play long, because I have the time, and want to retire rich, not just okay.”

“We still have read nothing from shorts on DDD that deals in factual analysis. We like Burleson’s stuff, it is a real ground up approach. We take HPQ’s ‘entry’, whatever that is, to be a very strong endorsement of the sector, and since DDD remains the largest critical mass of IP and experience, it gets our full 2% allocation. Considering the huge short interest, DDD did quite well in yesterday’s bloodbath, so we believe the institutions judge that it is here to stay. Up from here.”

“Exactly on point, touché!”

“I very excited over what 3d printing will do for dental. Same day custom bridges, retainers, etc. Just imagine how this technology will also change orthotics and prosthetics.”

“Your article blunts the negativity, distortions and scare tactics of the shorts. You’ve in fact presented factual based, and thoroughly thought out analysis. Brilliant! Thanks.”

“Often firms that really benefit from new technology are the ones that actually USE the technology instead of firms that sell the technology. As patents expire, 3D has other ways of creating wider moats.Understanding this concept, 3D has consistently acquired firms that use the technology and has gotten closer to the ultimate users.  This bodes well for their future and minimizes their risk from competing firms that just manufacture cheaper technology.”  

“DDD is the leader and continually making acquisitions to advance itself into the major player. H P most probably will have little affect without acquiring someone who is established. DDD most likely will follow the market correction but not as much and a buying opportunity is present!”

“Nice to hear from people who have vision…

Blah blah blah, I can’t take it anymore.  The commentators at SeekingAlpha ripped me a new one when I stated bullish on oil and copper in early 2009.  Hey, it’s SeekingAlpha, what’d you expect, an environment conducive to being on the right side of the market?

3D Systems, after its hope bounce, is probably going lower over time.

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